"OoooOOOoooo... I like the way he types my name: Jenna. He typed my name! And soon I'll sign my own emails, 'Mrs. Doctor Mike Roberts.' Although I've long been one who sneered at love, knowing it wasn't for me, I have to say, I am totally and utterly smitten. I just can't wait to see what my soul mate looks like. Thank you, Mary Worth, thank you."
Today's Full Strip
Jenna's going to have to get a new blue ring binder so she can draw hearts with Jenna + Mike 4 Ever. And stock up on angora yarn to wrap around his class ring so it'll fit when they start going steady!
It HAS been a long time, hasn't it?
Let the face touchng begin!
Jenna, being as smart as she is, must realize that the telephone number in the email is not really Dr. Mike's, but the number to the local riding academy.
She has been punked!
Why even put in the phone number with the "555" prefix? I mean, for a minute there, I forgot that what I was reading was fiction and was really caught up in the pure reality of the situation only to come crashing down to earth when I saw that "555". Damn you, Moy!
Jenna is so excited about love, her hair has suddenly gone all flat and lost some of its blue luster (see yesterday's strip, presumably two seconds in time before today's).
You gonna' drink that beer, Jenna? Can I have it?
Jenna looks might glassy-eyed. Guess that spoonful of oatmeal she snorted three days ago has finally kicked in.
Jenna's eyes are terrifying. She's obviously going to go all stalkerish on poor Doctor Mike. Mary will feel (only slightly) in a moral quandry when she has yell at Jenna, "Capische?"
Once again Jenna and Mike will come to the painful conclusion that love is not for them. Curse you Mary Worth.
@Chester -- that is hilarious! Dr. Mike has indeed provided the riding academy's phone number for Jenna, rather than his own! Perhaps he fondly remembers riding smallish horses with his buddy, Dr. Drew and hopes Jenna enjoys that sort of thing as well!
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