This is an AWESOME story. The key element of any great story is it's major dramatic question - the question that propels the story right through its climax. In this case, the major dramatic question is clearly, "Will Mike like Jenna?" I haven't seen such a compelling MDQ since the seventh grade when Kurt Hipp and Margaret Potts went steady. And we all know how
that turned out.
Today's Full Strip
Why does Giella test his skills with complex perspectives and reflections?
If he would stick to more action scenes like "Shootout at the SantaRoyMart" scenes, we would all be so much happier. (Including him).
Could you imagine him drifting away from the boring intentions of the Moy dialogue and injecting some superhero type action in the panels?
That would be AWESOME!!!
Well tuffenuf, At least Jenna has a reflection. That's more than can be said about Mary.
I can't believe that hussy Jenna is going out with Mike already after the first e-mail.
And she's wearing a deep pink dress, which is one step away from red. Shameless. Why, on her next date with Dr. Mike, she may wear a halter top and capri pants! Maybe Delilah can advise her.
Can someone tell me what the green thing in the foreground is?
Ooh, maybe they'll dine at The Bum Boat, and we'll get to see John Waters waiting tables again!
Now, to pick out a perfume… Ah, Desperation. He'll love it.
Fortunately, Jenna is going to wear her lucky hair scrunchy! (It's the same one she wore at breakfast with her nightie and robe.) It goes so well with her dress, and makes getting ready a snap!
The last time Jenna said "I can't believe I'm doing this", she was getting a naughty tattoo in a place where sunshine is a stranger. Hope Dr. Mike doesn't see THAT!
@Brick: The green thing in the foreground is Jenna's electric "Date Preparation Chair." It jolts her with, oh, say, 2000 volts of memory-erasing electricity so she won't reveal anything confidential about her clients to blind dates who may have ulterior motives.
It seems this is the first time Jenna has put on lipstick in front of a mirror(usually she smears it on in the back seat of a dark car. She just can't get the hand coordination thing going. I hope she gargled, to get rid of her early morning beer breath.
Lets meet Jenna. She...
has one client, has no life, drinks beer at breakfast, crashes pool parties. can't put on lipstick...it's That Girl, 2010!
That's not a mirror. It's her favorite portrait in her favorite dress doing her favorite activity...face touching.
lets bet on what color suit jacket dr mikes wears dr jeff green or that horrible orange everyone else wears
I think the coat will be green because it seems that Giella has a red/green color scheme going.
I think it will be the same putrid pumpkin jacket Scott wore to date Adrian. That's the color assigned to "good guys" in Santa Royale! (Well, except for Ted Confey, who wore it but shouldn't have!)
Oh, and she actually has a mother! A mother who would be pleased she's "dating a doctor".
Heh! I personally know someone whose shrink, during her appointment, asked her to remove her clothes!!!! He ended up in a rehab center in MN, and is no longer a doctor. I've known TWO doctors who were drug addicts/pushers. Not sure I'd want MY daughter dating a doctor! Just sayin'.
Dr. Mike will wear a blue jacket and blue tie to go with his blue eyes and blue hair. He will come to the door carrying a bouquet of bluebells and bachelor's buttons and box of chocolate-covered blueberries.
Jenna's treading on dangerous territory in Sunday's strip, she has the temerity to even consider chewing out Mary if the date with Doctor Mike doesn't go well. Clearly Jenna hasn't spent enough time visiting her aunt at Charterstone to realize you don't mess with Mary's superior wisdom.
@Robert--goodness, yes! WHAT is Jenna thinking!!?? Nobody chews Mary out and lives to tell about it. You don't mess with Mary!!!
Jenna is wierd. Sunday she left her apartment, went down the street to the house labeled 221, knocked out the owners with her financial advice blather, hogged the hallway mirror... do all of Moys female characters need to be so desperate for a date?
So only Jenna has a reflection, and not any of the other inanimate objects in her apartment?
Vicki, you are correct about Mike's jacket color. Putrid pumpkin!
Jacket colour: remember, this is *Mary* *Worth*, so jacket colour (just like hair colour) is apt to change on a whim. My bet is Dr Mik will arrive with a blue jacket, and next panel it will be pumpkin or green or magenta or some such thing.
One vote for the amazing changing technicolour dream coat, ordered off the catalogue of Colour Clash International!
Seriously, if you were on a first date with a guy, would you be grabbing onto his arm within ten seconds of your first ever face to face meeting? Oh, who am I kidding, these two kids have already "connected on so many levels", nothing should hold them back.
Yay! Waiter McSnooty is here!
This must be the Bum Boat, or Three Trees, or the Golden Corridor...
@ Toots -- my thoughts exactly!! "Strangers can connect on many levels" and hoo boy, Jenna has jumped right in and grabbed the doctor her mom would "approve" of, with both arms!!!
So...I'm wondering if Jenna's being too clingy will be the storyline here. The arm grabbing and those starry, smitten eyes from the other day might be clues.
@Chester -- sniff around and see if you can spot Mary and Jeff at one of the tables. Bet they're there to spy! All a "coincidence" of course.
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