All sorts of dating tips in Mary Worth this week. Two sure fire suggestions for impressing your blind date: Casually ask her, "What are your interests?" Also, a clever party trick, such as throwing your voice while drinking a full glass of water, goes a long way toward establishing a long-term relationship.
Today's Full Strip
It's also good to violate clients' confidentiality -- establishes a bond with your co-conspirator.
Interests clearly do not include proper English usage.
Tony@7a took the words right out of my mouth. But, then again, the examples of ethical lapses in "Mary Worth" are legion.
"Interesting" is such a loaded word. (Or, from Moy's pen, the most deadly-dull word possible.) I guess it was Jenna's attempt at putting a stop to the impending violations of the "hypocritical oath" and whatever it is that accountants swear to.
I love the accent Jenna places on "interesting." I'm imagining it said in the same way Bugs Bunny says it when he's tricking the Big Red Monster with the "beauty parlor" routine, and saying, "Monsters are such INTERESTING people."
Well, it's at least making this strip a bit more interesting.
MY interests? Well, let's see...I like to "help others" because because I find it so cathartic. And um, well, I like to wear ponytails. And...ok, I like to ride smallish horses. Oh, and my NEWEST hobby is collecting lots of pretty boxes!
The real thing we want to know is- will there be a goodnight kiss- or it that too forward for a first date between two professional 30-somethings in Mary Worth?
I like to drink milk in a fancy-eatin' joint.
Jenna: I like to pretend I am a financial advisor, I even rented a fake office downtown with file cabinets and a blank sheet of paper that I pretend that has real information on it. That, and I drink beer during the Today show.
can you imagine the time and effort that went into dyeing his hair to match the color of his jacket? Interesting!
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