Jenna hs bn w8N by d ph 4 a wk! I thort 4 sure we'd gt2 C her descent N2 despair, bt findin her emotionally DstroyD soul @ d nadir wz a gr8 surpriz dis AM!
Karen Moy nt 1ly =) me W dis lil plot twist, bt she actuly txted n d script 2 Joe Giella. wel plAd, Karen Moy. wel plAd. Im sure yr detractors wl wn2 sA thyre sry.
I knew it! Jenna's affections weren't returned so she's going to stalk Dr whatever-his-name is.
Mary will talk to Dr whatever-his-name is and find out that he's too scared to commit, she'll talk him into committing to Jenna and Jenna will stop drinking and stalking.
Dr whatever-his-name is is so damn bland that I can never remember his name.
Dr. Mike has obviously realized, somehow, that Jenna is a vampire (see, Moy's being fashionable!), and has elected to sever any ties with her before he is bitten and joins the strange band of night warriors who help keep Jenna supplied with the warm, delicious elixir.
It shall be revealed that while texting Jenna immediately after their date, not paying attention to his surroundings, Dr. Mike walked into the path of a speeding ambulance. Now paralyzed from the waist down, Dr. Mike does not want to burden Jenna with his disability. Against Dr. Mike's wishes, Mary Worth will tell Jenna the whole story. Jenna will rush to Dr. Mike's side and pledge her devotion. This shall come to be known as An Affair to Forget.
Jenna shouldn't feel so bad. Her one night of contrived wonderment is more enjoyment than a resident of Santa Royale has a right to expect. Now, just like everyone else, she's back to toiling under the oppressive and unrelenting scrutiny of Mary's microscope. Assuming she ever left it.
Has anyone considered if Mary Worth is really set in Hell? It could explain an awful lot.
Jenna is doing what a lot of women do. She had one date with this douche and she's already planned how he will propose, what her engagement ring will look like, their wedding, how quickly she can ditch her job now that she's "snagged" a doctor and when baby #1 and baby #2 will be born. Back in my single days, I saw most of my friends do just that...and then were shocked when things didn't work out. I just chilled out it and ended up happily married to Mr. TeacherPatti (who is not a teacher at all and not named Patti). My girl Jen just needs to relax and let things happen.
Oh God. I just psychoanalyzed a Mary Worth character. Is it time for school to start yet?
i'm did we go from romance and "fire works" to chugging wine and banging head on table. maybe jenna really is the psycho everyone is making her out to be.
I think Dr. Mike is GAY, still in the closet, and just going along with Mary's suggestion to date Jenna just to humor Mary. (I mean, c'mon, what straight man would EVER describe his feelings as "buzzy"!?)
I kind of figured the "my mother will be pleased" comment was a tipoff this relationship would soon go off the rails...BUT, wow, I'm shocked, SHOCKED with Jenna's head banging despair and wine drinking excesses so soon!
Perhaps changing the color of her hair scrunchy would cheer her up. I dunno, just trying to be helpful...
Oh Vicki, the wine takes the early morning beer buzz away. No wonder Jenna has only one client. I'd worry more about BBJ? and the advice Jenna gave her.
Jenna, perhaps your non-stop beer guzzling at dinner turned off Dr. Mike. Who wants to date a booze hound? Sober up and get rid of the junior high ponytail, then maybe you and Dr. Mike can start over.
I knew it! Jenna's affections weren't returned so she's going to stalk Dr whatever-his-name is.
Mary will talk to Dr whatever-his-name is and find out that he's too scared to commit, she'll talk him into committing to Jenna and Jenna will stop drinking and stalking.
Dr whatever-his-name is is so damn bland that I can never remember his name.
''I will not be ignored, Mike!''
Is this her second bottle?
Dr. Mike has obviously realized, somehow, that Jenna is a vampire (see, Moy's being fashionable!), and has elected to sever any ties with her before he is bitten and joins the strange band of night warriors who help keep Jenna supplied with the warm, delicious elixir.
It shall be revealed that while texting Jenna immediately after their date, not paying attention to his surroundings, Dr. Mike walked into the path of a speeding ambulance. Now paralyzed from the waist down, Dr. Mike does not want to burden Jenna with his disability. Against Dr. Mike's wishes, Mary Worth will tell Jenna the whole story. Jenna will rush to Dr. Mike's side and pledge her devotion. This shall come to be known as An Affair to Forget.
Maybe the good doctor realizes that his single night, visiting the wild side of transvestites, wasn't just his cup of tea?
It's probably too rock & roll-ish for the Charterstone crowd, but Jenna's descent is putting me in the mood for UB40's "Red, Red Wine."
True love, abandonment, wine, misery, and texting... THIS IS GR8!
Wine, wine, wine
Wine, wine, wine
Wine, wine, wine
Wine, wine, wine
(Wild Cherry)
Wine, wine, wine
Pass that bottle to me
(Call me Toots "Spo-Dee-O-Dee" McGee")
Jenna shouldn't feel so bad. Her one night of contrived wonderment is more enjoyment than a resident of Santa Royale has a right to expect. Now, just like everyone else, she's back to toiling under the oppressive and unrelenting scrutiny of Mary's microscope. Assuming she ever left it.
Has anyone considered if Mary Worth is really set in Hell? It could explain an awful lot.
Jenna is doing what a lot of women do. She had one date with this douche and she's already planned how he will propose, what her engagement ring will look like, their wedding, how quickly she can ditch her job now that she's "snagged" a doctor and when baby #1 and baby #2 will be born. Back in my single days, I saw most of my friends do just that...and then were shocked when things didn't work out. I just chilled out it and ended up happily married to Mr. TeacherPatti (who is not a teacher at all and not named Patti). My girl Jen just needs to relax and let things happen.
Oh God. I just psychoanalyzed a Mary Worth character. Is it time for school to start yet?
Ha ha! Jenna is reduced to drinking Manischewitz!
i'm did we go from romance and "fire works" to chugging wine and banging head on table. maybe jenna really is the psycho everyone is making her out to be.
The misplaced hope, the drinking... and the cyber-stalking -- why, she's a female, technologically savvy Aldo!
But Mary will fail to see the parallel.
Meanwhile, Bonnie Johnson sits home, smugly browsing for boots on, and thinking; ''At least I know how to keep a man!''
o, jenna, thr R many fish in the C.
I think Dr. Mike is GAY, still in the closet, and just going along with Mary's suggestion to date Jenna just to humor Mary. (I mean, c'mon, what straight man would EVER describe his feelings as "buzzy"!?)
I kind of figured the "my mother will be pleased" comment was a tipoff this relationship would soon go off the rails...BUT, wow, I'm shocked, SHOCKED with Jenna's head banging despair and wine drinking excesses so soon!
Perhaps changing the color of her hair scrunchy would cheer her up. I dunno, just trying to be helpful...
This is sooooo good. Jenna the drunk, with ONE client, puts all her cookies into one basket (Dr Mikes) to look for love.
But poor Jenna has been texting with a pocket calculator (they don't have internet wireless in Santa Royale)
I see another car crash coming up soon.
Oh Vicki, the wine takes the early morning beer buzz away. No wonder Jenna has only one client. I'd worry more about BBJ? and the advice Jenna gave her.
"A case of Pabst and you'll be just fine"
I have a funny idea, lets call tomorrow "Jenna Texts Day" and write our comments in a text format.
Jenna, perhaps your non-stop beer guzzling at dinner turned off Dr. Mike. Who wants to date a booze hound? Sober up and get rid of the junior high ponytail, then maybe you and Dr. Mike can start over.
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