Mary walks home from His 'n Hers Groceries (a bag of blue for Jeff, a bag of pink for Mary) to find Jenna Thomas, wandering down New Country Road in her bathrobe, drunkenly wondering if the man she had one blind date with has another woman in his life. Meanwhile, Bonnie Johnson has gone way off her budget. Let's see just how low Jenna can go.
Today's Full Strip
Give the guy a break! There's been Lebron James, the World Cup final, the All-Star Game...Dr. Mike is supposed to take time off watching those to call a blind date? Sheesh!
I'm going with the Dr Mike is gay theory, it'd certainly spice up Mary Worth.
In a plot twist, Dr Mike will find his true love at the Bum Boat, which is gay every second Thursday (subject to the Charterstone Board approval, which *will* happen as now Mary is on side). Jenna will then accompany him for a bit of podium dancing. Or end up in rehab.
I was thinking the gay theory, too- until I realized, this is Mary Worth. There aren't even any ethnic people in town, let alone gay people! So, my new theory (brought on by Jenna asking if there may be another woman in his life) is this- Mike is a hopelessly devoted Mama's Boy, and lives at home with a neurotic, demanding hypochondriac mother, that he has to ''take care of''.
I'm going with a long-dead wife theory for Dr. Mike. The reason he hasn't called is he's so wracked with guilt for having a good time with another woman.
That definitely has a Mary Worth vibe to it.
Tony: We in Northeast Ohio remember a highschool ball player by the name of Lebron. But that was years ago and every thing since is a blur. Any connection?
I am going with the simple theory that Dr. Mike is too smart to be involved in ANY Mary Worth storyline,, and just wants to be left alone.
Le-Who? I wonder what happened to him. If only Mary Worth could have offered him some advice before "The Decision."
After watching the national news I was shocked to find on my daily drive from Cleveland to Akron that there's no smoke from the burinng buildings, no people throwing themselves from bridges, no raining of cats and dogs.
Everyone have moved on to sitting inside reading Mary Worth and me.
p.s. I need Mary to check my grammar before posting.
He shouldn't have told his mother about those strange buzzy feelings.
I get kinda buzzed just reading Mary Worth!
Either Mike is already married, thus a sleazster; or has a shameful or terminal medical condition, thus noble.
Of course, my gaydar went off in the hospital, when Mary first cornered Mike.
Maude@10.38a is right on when she describes MaryWorth-land as completely ethnic-less. So, no gays, either.
Though it would be nice to have a gay storyline...
@Maude and also Phoebes in Santa Fe: Wasn't there a Carlos Ahlorra, a Hispanic gardener at Charterstone? He was about 50-ish. Haven't seen him in the strip for years.
There's only room for one "beloved, elderly, meddling, well-preserved corpse" and that's MARY!
Mary has never actually SEEN a gay person that she knows of. She's heard of them, though. Now... there ARE two fellas who come to the pool party who are roommates at Charterstone. They're terrific cooks, too, but she's sure they're just very good "friends".
Jenna looks a wreck! I think she needs to stay home today and text Dr. Mike at least ONCE AN HOUR until he responds. Guys like that sort of thing, tee hee...
It's pretty clear that Jenna is an alcoholic. She probably scared off Dr. Mike by ordering one too many martoonis on their date. That's what happened--the fireworks got her so dazed and confuzed that she actually thought Dr. Mike was having a good time.
@Dave: Oh, if only LeBron had consulted Mary before The Decision! She would have told him to go to Chicago, since the climate is so similar to Cleveland's. I am a Cavs fan, and LeBron let the Cavs down. Superstar, shmuperstar.
OK, here goes a new theory:
How about Mary Worth adapting from "Wuthering Heights"? Dr Mike could have a crazy wife in the attic and Jenna could meet him on the moors. If this is the case, I humbly request that "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush be added to the jukebox, pending board approval, of course.
Then Jenna, in abject misery, could swig a bottle of whisky and drive off a cliff. We haven't had one of those since Aldo Kelrast, it'd be good to have another fatal DUI. Then Mary could *completly* forget she ever existed and move on to her next victim, just like she did with Aldo!
Wait.. could Dr. Mike's other woman be Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? Shopping habit, shmopping habit. She's a tramp!
As today's (Friday's) strip reveals, Jenna owns a suit jacket that looks EXACTLY like her bathrobe.
I'm waiting for several days of strips featuring the outside of Dr. Mike's building, with a shadowy figure in the frosted glass of his window, talking to himself or "Mother" about his problem returning phone calls.
Mary's initial thought balloon should be "what the--Jenna lives miles away--what's she doing HERE?" Jenna originally came to visit her Aunt Sarah the weekend of the pool party in June. Then she apparently returned to her own ranch house, where we saw her reading her e-mail and preparing for her big date. Unless she came over to spy on Bonnie and she if her client goes out to the mall.
I thought Jenna's lovely brown home was out in the country somewhere. Why, then, are Mary's and Jenna's paths crossing?
That His n' Hers Grocery Store must be QUITE a hike for Mary! Either that, or...um, (I'm blushing) Mary has been staying overnight at Jeff's Man Cabin, which is next door to Jenna!
At any rate--Jenna is in quite a dither over this.
@Chester -- Meanwhile, the folks at the horse riding academy are wondering WHY they keep getting so many text messages from some loony woman named "Jenna"!
Y hvnt U clld!? We hd fun
d8! Pleeeez, pleeez cll!!! Pleez!!! Lv,Jenna
Look at Mary today. "He's not with anyone else
Could it be that Dr. Roberts has a life... a life... beyond the scope of Mary's knowledge?!
Naaaa.... nope... never happen... but she sure looks worried about the possibility, doesn't she?
Vicki: Mary has just come from Santa Royale Mart where color coded bags are free and Ernie now has to work as the greeter.
But, a question for all, did Jenna and Dr Mike do the evil deed? Make the sheets fly? If so, then that explains Jennas behavior.
Jump em and dump em.
Wil Jenna ever get back to work, analyzing a single sheet of paper?
Chester here has a protien spot on his contact lens. it hurts. The lens comes out now.
Oh, I was in the NY Times, my pic, anyway. It is here...
Thats me on the right, wishing we were readngmary Worth instead.
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