Well, for one thing, going out with Jenna has completely shattered Mike's self esteem. He's dyed his hair and is no longer insisting that people call him Doctor Mike. The guy doesn't know who he is anymore. Jenna deserves better than that.
Today's Full Strip
Say it, Mike. Just say it. You'll be much happier once you leave the closet. It's a glass closet anyway, Mike, we - the readers - have known the truth since Giella first drew you.
So, do it now, Mike. Do it first with that busybody shrew Mary Worth. Come out in her comic strip and at least 10,000 reader will know, as well as all the citizens of Santa Royale within Mary Worth's gossiping range.
Do it, Mike...
Mike's possible responses to Mary:
"ah...er...I dunno..."
"Buzz off, Mary. Who died and left you in charge of my life?"
"I'm afraid of my emotions."
"I've been in Saigon for a week."
Whatever happened to "something must be going on with him"? Obviously, that was just to humor Jenna and tee up an excuse to go confront Mike.
Mike doesn't want to ruin his 'never been dumped' record, and Mary wants to preserve her reputation for 'never having given a bum steer': Irresistable force vs. immovable object. This isn't about Jenna at all! Talk about 'TNT'.
"would be suitor"???? Who the F*$^ talks like that? Oh yeah, Moy.
Mary's usually successful (in her mind) meddling has finally taken her over the edge into legendary Jewish mother territory.
@TeacherPatti: I couldn't agree more!
Thanks for the laugh. I, for one, am glad school hasn't started for you yet!
Wow, is Mary peeved! She's so mad that her eyes are shifting around on her face! I suspect that Mike is browsing the ''Gregslist'' classifieds. Whether it's M4W, M4M, or Free TV out on curb, is anyone's guess.
Obvoiusly he never returned her calls because his telephone has no wires and is useless.
@Tony -- Multiple choice tests are my favorite! I hope for "B." But I fear the correct answer is "C." "A" is too inarticulate for the man who brought that "strange buzzy feeling" into our lives. And "D" was done before by Dr. Jeff, yes?
See, it's always easy to eliminate two of the four choices in a multiple choice exam.
How DARE you defy my divine will for your life?
Jenna drugged Dr. Mike, hence the strange buzzy feeling. He has no memory whatsoever of the date or Jenna.
I was wondering... as there is no timeline in MW/Moy land, does anyone know if Ted Confey is out of jail yet?
Now that Dr. Mike's hair is black with blue highlights, I keep wondering if Ted earned an online Doctorate in Medicine, did an internship in the prison clinic, got out, shaved his moustache, and is back to his old shenanigans.
Oh yeah, it IS possible. This is Mary Worth!
Mary's angry fist is about to smash Dr. Mike's clunky office phone to smithereens ("Hulk-Mary ... angry!"), ignoring that he needs to phone to actually do what she's demanding of him
Mary's hand is scary. it looks like she's unsheathed the retractable claws.
Run, Mike, run!
"Jenna's would-be suitor"....or "Mary's would-b e suitor of Jenna?" Let's be real and call it what it is Mary (oh wait; this is Santa Royale).
And man, Mary must be pissed---her left eye is begining to unwind and dribble down her face in the second panel.
This dark-haired would-be suitor
at his personal computer
has furrowed Mary's brow.
Perhaps the auburn healer
our buzzy feeling feeler
cannot true love allow!
@ everyone- all you guys' comments are cracking me up today! I am literally "lol" and enjoying every chuckle! :D
Seriously, what ink artist didn't get the memo about
the hair color for Dr. Mike? We readers put up with tons of changes in this goofy strip, but goodness me, seems that a character's hair color should stay consistent!
"Mike!... How can you take Jenna out and then completely IGNORE HER afterward?"
a) "Mary... there's something you should know about Jenna... she's an alcoholic and an emotional cripple. Trust me, I don't need that cr@p in my life!"
b) "Mary... there's something you should know about me... I'm an alcoholic and an emotional cripple. I get buzzy feelings when I drink. Oh, and I'm gay."
c) "Mary... there's something you should know about my wife... yes, I have a WIFE... she's a lunatic and locked up in my attic. I prowl the windy moors looking for Catherine, in between dyeing my hair constantly."
Pick an ending. I kinda like c), the idea of Dr Mike having a crazy wife in the attic like Wuthering Heights has a certain appeal... and I get to use *lots* of ellipses...
Oh come on...no one yet has said a word yet about Mary's blazer perfectly color coordinated to the good doctors office furniture???
Hasn't this been fun today?!
"How can you take Jenna out and then completely ignore her afterwards?"
Earth to Mary...happens all the time.
Oh my God...I hadn't noticed the eye until Dave commented on it. And of course I looked at it right before bedtime. I can't stop thinking about it.
Thanks, Brick :) Six more weeks of thinkin' bout Mary Worth instead of thinkin' bout teaching Braille!
It kind of looks like the artist pretty much gave up on drawing Mary's Grumpy Face, and rolled the sketch into the typewriter and typed an "@" where Mary's left eye should be.
(I know how it feels when one face part just doesn't want to be drawn correctly. It is maddening... Hmm, I might try the typewriter finish next time.)
I feel so cheated. Where was my own personal storm trooper to defend my feelings out there in dating land?
This is SO good. Mary's meddling has erupted into full blown human-life shuffling in her cosmic pawn-shuffling chess game.
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