Oh, Doctor Mike. You remind me of a young Wanders, back in the days when I'd fall in love with any woman after one date if she was
especially partial to walking along the water. I'd dye my hair in hopes that no one would recognize me, and then sit at home staring wistfully at my pencil or my telephone. Invariably, old ladies would come around demanding to know what was wrong with me. Ah, there's nothing quite like young love.
Today's Full Strip
"I may even be in love with her".
Oh come on, Dr Mike. You're in love with her and you'll call her "soon".
Moy's painted herself into a corner with this one.
Great googly moogly - this is like an Archie and Jughead nightmare!
I do love Jenna. I'm just not sure how to translate that into practical ter... No, wait, that was last summer's conflict...
You mean those guys who said they'd call me and never did...they were actually IN LOVE with me!! Really! After all these years, I feel like a weight has been lifted. Thanks, Dr. Roberts, for another great therapy session. No wonder you have five degrees! See you next week!
duckdg, you're onto something there. Dr. Mike is sure to use some completely stilted speech to explain my he's in love but won't answer Jenna's attempts to communicate.
"I recognized feelings for Jenna that caused an uneasiness in my confidence. This recognition triggered an erosion in my comprehension and I found my ability to communicate had been compromised by the reduction of my practical conversational faculty."
... hence my employment of the words 'really glad' and 'buzzy' that evening. For pity's sake, Mary, I hold a doctorate!"
This story line is more enthralling than the scheming, betrayals, and false hope on "The Bachelorette" (not that I watch it, or anything).
After having been on the receiving end of Mary's ire, Dr. Mike must suspect that he's on some reality show in which Mary is the "setup woman." Otherwise, why would he have dyed his hair? He's trying to hide in plain sight.
I think this is Dr. Mike's real hair color. For his date, Mike dyed his hair to match his lovely jacket...
Dr. Mike is doing his Rex Morgan M.D. impression. There are only two requirements:
1) Dye job.
2) Claiming to have human emotions while exhibiting no signs of same.
"I may even be in love with her", but Mary, I'm an arrogant jerk and I treat ALL my women this way. I have five degrees and I'm important. I'll call her when I good and well FEEL like calling her, capische?"
One date and he's in love with a pencil-pushing wino wearing a junior high ponytail? Her charm is completely lost on me.
I still think he's gay.
If Dr. Mike really wants to perfect his therapist look, he should take the giant match he's holding and use it to light his giant Freud pipe, which will trigger his in-grown German accent.
Sure Dr. Mike, it may seem like love now. What, with the candle at dinner, the fireworks, moonlit dancing on the beach to music emanating from an unknown source and buzzy feelings. But when that's all gone, and it will be, do you really think you can sustain a relationship?
"A GREAT woman?" Did I miss signs of Jenna's greatness? Or notability? Any charm, wit, charisma, generosity, compassion, hospitality...
So far, all I've seen is devotion. A frightening degree of devotion.
Does Moy have a day job?
I've been thinking for a while now that Moy's day job is the translation of 1930's era British romance novels from English to Chinese. This is, anyway, my explanation of how she gets her plot ideas and of her characters' odd speech patterns.
Jenna is great because...she can down a 6 pack before noon, she can make sea gulls pick at her hair scrunchie, she can turn one fat client into a business,.
She's a keeper!
Mike is gay gay gay, or so tight in the closet, hangers won't fit.
Tis story makes zero sense...I need a SCOTLAND DVD to clam me down.
I meant CALM
If any of you are in Forest HIlls, Queens on 7.31.10, I have a reading of plays going on, some new some old, all funny. Look below...
Dr. Mike is hesitant, because while he thinks Jenna is "great", he has discovered (from searching the interwebs) that she's closely related to a certain Helen Clark of Miami. That, plus he's gay.
They are both so pathetic! Jenna going crazy after one date because 'HE' hasn't called. Mike telling Mary he may be in love with Jenna after only one date while he breaks his giant 'strike anywhere match'. I miss Charley and his 'portraits that would scar children' That was a story!
and today Mike is using the old 'it's not you, it's me routine perfected by George Costanza from the old Seinfeld sitcom. gheez!
"...I may even be in LOVE with her! ...but I've got a crazy wife locked up in the attic, who keeps dyeing my hair... perhaps we could frolic on the windy moors..."
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