Jenna deserves better? That's exactly what I said
two days ago.

Is this whole thing some sort of elaborate plot on Mary's part? Is she so passively aggressive, that she arranged the date in order to force Doctor Mike to confront his glaringly obvious defect, and is now suggesting that he "look into fixing it?" Of course, who better to fix Mike than Mary Worth herself, but she subtly leads him along until he reaches his own same conclusion and begs her for help. Mary Worth, therapist to therapists.
So many questions.
Could Mary ever grasp that it's HER that's disturbing Mike?
Also, what medical professional has this much free time during work hours? Is this why doctors are always running late? Absently staring at phones and pencils while being accosted by nosy old bats?
Did Mary have to make an appointment?
I have a message for the young, single gals who might be reading this: 99.9999% of the time, if the guy doesn't call, it's because he's not interested. He's not sitting there being all introspective and thinking how you "deserve better"--he's not thinking of you at all, except when you text-stalk him, and then he's thinking how he dodged a bullet by not calling you back.
I'm just worried about all of the impressionable young ladies who read this comic strip and how they will now misinterpret a failure to call them and keep pushing/stalking instead of moving on to the next guy. I mean, I know this comic is very well read amongst the "tween" crowd, right? Right? Why yes, I did have beer for breakfast this morning; why do you ask?
Do we forget that Dr. Mike knows in his heart that love is not for him? That's what he told Mary at the beginning of this farce. Now Jenna is even more convinced that love is not for her either. Butt out Mary. Matching up two emotionally troubled people is not a blue print for future happiness.
@ Anonymous: Dr. Mike and Jenna share that penchant for staring at one object for interminable periods, fixating on a single thought. Perhaps that is what initially drew them together: their ability to make money while doing as little real work as possible.
I think Dr. Mike has realized that it would be one boring relationship once they get past the strange buzzy feelings. Years and years ahead of staring at objects in their hands while holding all their conversations in their heads.
This is awesome!! When Mary retells all this back to Jenna, ALL Jenna will hear is... "blah, blah, HE'S IN LOVE WITH YOU, blah, blah, blah.."
Then she'll go into hyper-stalk mode! Dr. Mike won't have a minute's peace and Mary will have to tell Jenna to back off.
Then Jenna will drink waaay more beer than usual for breakfast and drive off a cliff!
Well, I can hope can't I?
And on the front seat of Jenna's wrecked car will be Bonnie Johnson's file. This is all Bonnie's *#@! fault, ##@^!.
I've been saying all along, this "story" is heading in only one direction - Dr Mike's sexuality. For the life of me, I can't figure out how Moy can write any other ending to the "storyline" (such as it is) than Mike's telling Mary - and so the world - that he's gay.
Of course, I know I'm wrong; Moy will write something else because she either doesn't know about such things or doesn't want her readers to bother their "beautiful minds" about such odious things.
Oh, and TeacherPatti, your website is very cool!
"Clearly, Mary, I have met my soul mate, but soul mates are not always two people who live happily ever after. So I've decided to go to Peace Village! Or Aruba. Either way, rest assured this brief affair will lead to great inner growth. Thank you for your help."
@phoebes: If only Mary had said today, "You should straighten this out!"
Nope, not gay. Remember he said he might be in love with Jenna? Even if he went out with her to maintain his straight appearance, he wouldn't be confessing his love for her to Mary--which must be difficult for him given his declaration that love isn't for him. No, it has to be a dark secret--the one that required him to dye his hair black. Or the fact that he's been jilted too many times by his patients, and he sees that Jenna should be one.
Maybe he wants to become a man of the cloth.
Maybe he's got herpes.
@Father Chester-- hmmm, hadn't thought of that one!
Or,... maybe he's diagnosed himself as a psychopath and knows he'd eventually murder any gal he had the buzzies for!
I'm leaning towards a Jane Eyre-inspired plot. Dr. Mike is already marred and his insane wife is locked in the attic. Maybe she's a former patient.
As delicious as the Jane Eyre plotline sounds, I sort of agree with the idea that Mike is gay, or maybe bi? That would explain his "love" -- or maybe it's the kind of love you have for a sister? Did we actually see them having any physical contact, other than handholding and dancing? The only other explanation is that Jenna has really bad breath.
Maybe it'll turn out that Dr. Roberts is deeply in debt, due to an uncontrollable spending habit, and feels he can't support an emotionally unhinged financial counselor. And we already know Jenna needs a psychiatrist. Hmm...if only Mary knew two other professionals to refer these troubled people to!
Oh, wait! I bet Ernie and Bonnie Johnson attend a couples therapy group Mike and Jenna would be welcome at! It would be good of Mary to arrange for that over one of her famously well-prepared dinners.
I just want to say...what a b****!!
@Carlye... They kissed... I think.
Thanks Phoebes in Santa Fe!
I have to agree with you...in a normal world, the ending would be clear and our man would be gayer than the day is long. But we are in Moy's world, so it will be something stupid.
i've taken a sabbatical from this website, but am now being drawn back in. such an addiction! i'm going to guess that dr. mike is the only support for a disabled mother or a teenaged sister. it's a tried and true story line and seems very moy-like to me.
Very interesting prognoses today! I like the man of the cloth and the disabled mother ideas. Maybe Moy is more clever than we give her credit for ... nah.
How do you DO THAT, Wanders?!? It's like you KNEW he was headed toward the therapist couch!
The first draft of the strip must have been lost; you know, the one with Doctor Mike saying, "it's not her Mary, it's you, you meddling biddy! How can I ever have a relationship when you keep shwoing up at my door to torment me?!"
But I digress....
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