Yes, we get it. Yesterday I called Mary Worth "therapist to therapists." Today, she actually begins to live out the fantasy as Dr. Mike hits his own couch where he will no doubt begin to fix his problem under Mary's laic hand. We get the irony. Still, there's something that really creeps me out about today's strip. Even more than usual.
Today's Full Strip
This is like a "find the 5 things that are different" cartoon, but it's really "find the 5 things that are creepy".
1) Mary's jacket matches the furniture
2) Mike's face falling off like Steve Guttenberg's is at the end of The Day After
3) The way Mike is sitting (sort of) on the couch
4) The fact that he has a couch in his office at all makes me wonder exactly what happens on it when Mary *isn't* standing right there watching him
5) Plopping a squat like that in front of Mary, or anyone, just strikes me as unprofessional. When the kids come in for something, I don't say, "Ms. Smith is hung over guys, I'm-a gonna rest for a bit. I've had a hard day today."
Be afraid.
Be very afraid.
I'm an unabashed Seinfeld fanatic, so the it's not her, it's me routine yesterday really tickled me.
I propose another ripped from Seinfeld development coming up, this time from the episode "The Serenity Now" where Jerry begins to develop actual feelings prompting George to open up to him, hoping to tap into Jerry's newfound compassion. The scene cuts and then resumes when Jerry claims that George's unburdoning of his totured psyche has "scared him straight."
This is what I'd love to see, Mary backing slowly out of Dr. Mikes office with a look of horror on her face thinking, "Whoa, I really stepped on a landmine there. I might have to rethink my life."
Well, a guy can dream, can't he?
I have a feeling we will get some awkwardly phrased, illogical "revelation" from Dr. Mike followed by a pointless story from Mary.
Dr. Mike has been having transient ischemic attacks. It's either that or chronic fatigue syndrome. Either way, Mary will diagnose it and we will all (including Jenna) learn a little empathy.
I'm with you, Wanders... totally freaking creepy. Mary looks like she's going to attack at any moment in a very... uh... inappropriate way. I need some bleach for my brain :(
What the? This is really, truly creepy. What were they THINKING when they collaborated on this panel?
Perhaps they play up to "Mary Worth and Me" on purpose, to see what we, the 'gentle readers' might say.
And yes, teacherpatti, unprofessional is what I thought, but I tried to think of a much stronger word for that kind of unprofessionalism.
Maybe Dr. Mike isn't ready for love because he has a terminal illness....
So, is this the beginning of a three-weeks long flashback sequence to the root of Dr. Mike's unrealistic problems with women?
Syndi, that was exactly my first thought, too. He's got a weird jungle fever that Mary can tell him needs a wider range of antibiotics! Mary will once again be able to save the day!
Go ahead ... make my day.
Yes, today's strip is so creepy and unsettling you almost want to look away, but somehow you just can't! All that green, the weird positioning, the weird couch, Mary's posture... **shudder**
But we KNOW Moy will disappoint us once again!! It will be something really vapid, like his wife was killed and he still loves her and misses her terribly, etc...
oh dear, well, my description of that scenario as "vapid" doesn't make me sound like a very compassionate or nice person, does it? LoL!
Ok, well this is just the comics and you all know what I mean--Moy WILL dissapoint us!
Maybe Mike's problem is...impotence? Would Mary Worth ''go there''? I mean, all he'd have to do is pop some Viagra, Cialis, or any one of the many drugs out there to take care of the problem- but this is Mary Worth, where people are still leery of ''The Internet'', and the local radio station only plays the top ten from 1960. I don't see how a professional 30-something man would feel comfortable discussing such things with an elderly woman he barely knows. Ah, who am I kidding? Here we all are, thinking Mike is gay, has a crazy wife locked up in the attic, or a sick mother pounding her cane for a midnight back-rub at home, a dead wife that he can't get over, impotent...it's probably something a lot more boring. He probably has a nasty rash, or something.
OK way creepy. That's agreed on by all. I think the only thing creepier would be Mike and Mary side by side in two of those Cialis bathtubs! I'm sorry I took your mind to that place but Maude Findlay pushed me into the pool so I'm gettin' everybody wet.
Manconmemad: This is Mary Worth. NOBODY goes into the pool!
WTH??? Let's wrap this storyline up, pronto. It's just all so wrong.
Dive right in, Mary. He's never done it that way either. That couch is ready for some rockin'!
Mary--the original cougar?
It's too icky for words.
ok, yesterday i was promoting the sick old mom or teen-aged sister storyline, but today it does appear that mike has a chronic disease. i like the chronic fatigue syndrome idea -- the strip could be a good avenue to educate the public to this misunderstood disease. i also feel compelled to add that if i went to see a shrink who had kelly green furniture and walls painted orange i would turn around and leave immediately.
Oh,I see, those are Mary's diploma's on the wall. It looks like we are going to now hear the story of Mike's life.
I cannot believe this is actually happening. This is turning into a Carol Burnett skit.
Maybe we will discover that Dr. Mike and a childhood friend fooled arond in the garage.
I cannot believe this is actually happening. This is turning into a Carol Burnett skit.
Maybe we will discover that Dr. Mike and a childhood friend fooled arond in the garage.
Chester, That's what I thought.
What analyst walks over and climbs onto the couch like a patient so he can spill his guts to the hospital volunteer?
Must be a rare comedic touch.
This Is Too Bizarre For Words.
Yeah, I wish Wanders would put up today's strip so we can continue this on a current page.
You know, usually I can predict where predictable Moy is going after the first week, but this one has been one surprise after another.
Oh, and the "non-professionalism" which is a hallmark of all Mary Worth professionals continues with Dr Mike going on the couch. Doesn't he KNOW that Mary is the town gossip as well as the town scold and town shrew?
I love that Sigmund Freud himself, in the form of a black-sleeved arm, makes an appearance in today's panel one, telling Mary exactly what he thinks of her critique.
One of the comments a few days ago, today's strip, the weird mirror reflection strips in the spring: IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW.
Mary is a cameleon. She's blending in witht he couch so she can sneak up and offer unsolicited advice on yet another unsuspecting, unwilling victim.
Why yes, Mary, let me tell you a story! I was a poor child, and I remember one day a friend and I were sitting in my yard blowing on dandelion seeds...
Today's strip is awesome! Mary practices therapy without a license, and states authoritatively that Dr. Freud should have been called Dr. Fraud (paraphrasing here). I'm sure she'll send Dr. Mike a bill as well. Oprah, jump on this and give this woman her own talk show! Mary'll show up that fake Dr. Phil as well.
[expletive deleted] you, Mary Worth, you [expletive deleted] non-licensed [expletive deleted][expletive deleted][expletive deleted][expletive deleted]. My childhood was just fine.
I totally forgot that Mary is a volunteer at Mountview, where Dr. Mike "works".
Doesn't Mary have a supervisor, to assign her tasks, and instruct her NOT to wander the halls pretending to be a therapist?
Wow, you really called this one! Can't believe she really did mention Freud!!! WOW you are good!
I got it! Mike is a bedwetter! that is why he is reluctant to enter into a relationship!
Where does the raid on Mary for practicing medicine without a license come in?
@Jared -- HAHA, you sound like good ol' Mel there!
Oh what I would give for one of Dr. Mike's colleagues to suddenly drop by his office! What a HOOT that would be! The S would HTF, and Mary's volunteer services would abruptly "no longer be required, thank you". And then she'd be escorted out by security. That would be so awesome!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Not estrangement from his father, not that! In some sick, twisted turn of events, is Wilbur going to turn out to be Dr. Mike's dad?
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