And here we have a nominee for Outstanding Performance by a Guest Character:

Not only that, if you thought it was awesome when Kurt Evans patched things up with his not-real-dad Wilbur Weston, then it's going to be TWICE as awesome when Dr. Roberts patches things up with his real father! Twice the fishing! Twice the photos of mom! Twice the frolicking!
Yeaa Wanders! Glad your back! There has been a lot to poke fun at while you were off havin' fun!
Mary is agitated! Mary' face is agitated!! Mary's claw is agitated!!1!
Dr. Blue-hair waves his hands in surrender... or whininess.
New and improved Dr. Mike: now with 10% more pain (and 20% more diplomas). Elsewhere in Santa Royale's varied landscape, I wonder how many bottles of wine Jenna has consumed as she continues to obsess about the phone call that still isn't coming, as Mary Worth spends the rest of the summer keeping Dr. Mike trapped on the Green Couch of Tedious Childhood Revelations.
I would like to point out that we are getting a good view of the back of Mary's head and there is no bun there. Where are all her golden-gray locks hiding????
I suppose this is an obvious question: since Dr. Mike is a highly educated therapist, wouldn't these revelations about his childhood have occurred to him without Mary's prompting? I mean, if he were a figure skater or a compulsive shopper, Mary's, uh, probing, might make sense. Or is this a case of "Physician, heal thyself!"
Hey, Wanders, as a Pittsburgher, I remember a joke which ended, "And second prize is TWO weeks in Cleveland!" But I understand our rival city has come a long way.
Moy may have just suggested a jukebox theme song:
It's No Use by The Byrds
If Mary was credentialed, she'd know not to suggest Mike "patch things up" with the parent that abandoned him at 12. Let go of, maybe forgive, but patch things up!? As if they had argued over a dent in the car or the family business.
I KNEW IT! I just knew Mary would suggest "patching things up," as her extensive study in Jungian analysis taught her. This being Santa Royale, they will indeed patch things up with the help of Mary's sage advice. Then Mike will call Jenna to confess his love, but ... oh, I can't stand the suspense!
@HeavenlyJane: Yes, although I had pictured a sophisticated French twist instead of a bun, where is all of Mary's long hair that she faithfully brushes 100 strokes every night?
It appears in the first panel that mary has snapped off her face and put Doctor Mike in a trance.
And Tony, don't judge us by our inept sports teams.
What happened to Mary's long hair? And most people don't lie on couches for LICENSED therapists--what mystical powers does she have over Dr. Mike that would make him lie down and spill his guts to Mary?
back in the day when i was married to a psychiatric social worker (80's, 90's) all therapists (including psychiatrists) worth their salt underwent analysis themselves. i think tony has made a very good point. there is NO WAY that dr. mike could not have already worked all of this out already. but we suspend reality all the time when we read this comic strip so the beat goes on . . . and on . . . and on . . .
Mary's slowly morphing into James Coburn in panel two there. It may be something of an improvement, really.
Looks like Mary's leaning in for the kiss...
Looks like Mary's leaning in for the kiss...ooh, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Mary looks like she's aged ten years! This Jungian psychoanalyzing gig is really hard on her, apparently.
Meanwhile, down at the volunteer desk, people are irritated: "where's Mary Worth? Anyone seen Mary? Has she gone home without checking out first?-- Tsk, tsk, Mrs. Smith in Room 215 needs fresh water in her flower vase NOW! If those lovely flowers die it will be all Mary's fault!"
That first panel looks like Dr. Mike is in a coffin.
Jenna is a liar. She cried to Mary "No phone call, no mail, no text, nothing, nada zip." But "Doctor" Mike did text her, quite eloquently, in fact. So Jenna is: A liar and a drunk.
"Dr" Mike is: Worthless and weak.
And Mary is: Frighteningly awesome.
Surrender Mike & Jenna. Your time is up, and a new cast of doomed characters is waiting to be shoved out of the wings.
The guest is that right hand, correct?
The guest is that right hand, correct?
Not so much James Coburn in the second frame, but Ed Sullivan....
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