Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mary Worth 885

Well, the lemon meringue pie has arrived. Just a note to Beatrice Chestnut, fifth grade color artist: This is what a slice of lemon meringue pie looks like:

Today's Full Strip


Steve_J_23 said...

Is it just me or are Mary's eyes doing something weird, like she's just realised that she's swallowed a cockroach (in the suspeicious-looking lemon meringue pie, no doubt).

And I keep hoping against hope that Jill has a very unhappy back story, which we will all get to hear. Oh, I *do* so like it when Mary tells us a story. You never know, love might even be for Jill.

I still think Adrian is a total ditz, though...

trixietrudy said...

Panel two: "...and the lemon meringue pie that got away was thi-i-i-i-s big!"

trixietrudy said...

P.S. The chef should be demoted for allowing his/her meringue to collapse but serving it anyway.

Vicki said...

Well, now wait-- don't blame the chef--Adrianne's fork is near her mouth. Like a little kid she's gone and scooped off ALL the meringue and left Mary with just the pie part!
But like I said yesterday, Mary was pretty dang CHEAP not to get A. a whole piece for herself, seeing as how she's so sad and all. So... TOO BAD, Mary, ya' cheapskate!

Vicki said...

djangosmom reminded me that A. will have to learn to economize now that she is marrying beneath her station. She is absolutely right, LOL! Hope Scott doesn't like meringue as much as Adrian apparently does, though!

Robert said...

Exactly! Look how Adrian is hovering over Jill's cash in panel one. She realizes she's going to have to do so much economizing, she'd better start now, and Adrian's going to slip that cash off the table and into her purse when Mary's too busy enjoying her slice of Crunchberry pie.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this Adrian character is the most easily manipulated woman I've ever imagined. A few snide remarks and eye rollings from Jill and now she's doubting her entire relationship with Scott? And what ever happened to "Officer of the Law?" Now that Adrian's had time to get to know him (or to listen to Jill) her respect for Scott has fallen from "Officer..." to just "a cop." This "writing" is completely unbelievable.

Carlye said...

Maybe Adrian should go back to Ted, the mooching crook! He had just as much money as she did, since it was all hers!

Amanda Kate said...

Wanders, do you realize that you typed "lemon meringue pike"? It sounds like something that is often served with salmon squares. ;-)

kathyo said...

I can't bend my left wrist up like Mary's no matter how hard I try.

Anonymous said...

Does it matter that Adrian earns more than Scott? OF COURSE IT DOES!! Why do you think Scott is marrying her? It can't be becuase of her good looks, vivacious personality or common sense so, must be for the wad of cash she hauls home every month. Adrian, sweetie, you better plan on a LONG career.

Imogene said...

Since Adrian only works part-time, she may not be the Ms. Moneybags Jill thinks she is. Not even to mention the leave of absence she took to weep Scott back to health, and the $50k Ted took her for. Adrian may actually not be able to afford that wedding gown.

However, I am looking forward to Jill's comeuppance. And I hope it involves two things: she gets fired from administration at Mountview, AND she has to attend a pool party for her public humiliation.

Punky said...

I was wondering why in the world they would choose lemon meringue pie to order, since that's a more complicated pie to illustrate than apple or cherry or any other regular kinds. Then it hit me: it's to match Mary! Lemon for the body, with a froth of white on top!

Chester(stuffed from pie) said...

Even through all this, I wonder how Hospital Hi Fi will look in a bridesmaid dress.

Wanders said...

Lemon Pike? Classic. I hate to correct it, but I probably should. Thanks.

pandagrandma said...

@ Punky -- Yeah, but unfortunately Giella failed to catch that and made the pie pink.