Liza, completely discombobulated after Drew trades his doctor's lab coat for a swanky black suit with a name badge, gets all tongue tied and blurts out, "I can venture to say your travels agreed with you." But can't we all relate? I mean, who hasn't said something totally ridiculous when trying to impress members of the opposite sex?
Today's Full Strip
Do "real" people talk like that today? No. Did "real" people talk like that back in the 1920's? Yeah, maybe.
Sometimes I think the Worthiverse is where old sayings and values go to die.
Huh, notice Liza's upward pointing finger in the last panel. This is very reminiscent of the symbols incorporated into some of the famous religious paintings by the masters - good work Giella! Should we next expect a visitation from 'the big guy'? Or maybe just from Mary?
I am not an artist, but it seems to me it would be easier to draw long hair more consistently, rather than short. So why do all the women have short hair?
Coffee and ketchup? Oh Catch up....isn't that what they just did? Or do they need to go through the following:
Drew: Well, I've been in Nam saving the poor children of indo-china from certain death by insidious diseases that sap the life's blood not only of the poor children, but also heavily impacts the families socio-economic standing in their third world hemisphere.
Lisa: I have a new pastel dress.
Drew: Mary me.
Don't forget, the last long haired woman on the scene was besotted Jill Black. Long Hair = Alcoholism.
A babuska in Santa Royale? I expect we will see a hijab in the near future.
"I enjoyed my time overseas," said Dr. Drew chin-touchingly.
My word verification today is "sanedin." Which leads me to believe that Santa Royale exists in a parallel world where everything is said in "opposite talk."
"I hated my stinking existence in 'Nam, and I'm just back here to pick up a few hours--and blonde nurses-- at this hospital before I head out to see what the REAL world looks like in 2011."
I can't wait until Liza and Drew catch up, and Drew tells her about his little honey and their kid back in Vietnam.
After yesterday's karate chopping hand-drawing fiasco, Giella asked himself..."how can I get away with drawing the least amount of hands (and ears!) today?
And by cutting some corners he's now out playing 18 holes of golf somewhere as a reward to himself. But we're onto his tricks, LOL!
We are very close to chin touching.
Everyone in Mary Worth talks like they live in an English textbook. NOBODY TALKS LIKE THIS, MOY.
Ladies and gents, we are SEVEN blogs away from Mary Worth And Me's 1000'th post!!! How are we going to celebrate? Vicki, Schmoopie, Trixietrudy?
Hmmm, a celebration...a pool party? Salmon squares and marshmallow Kelk crispies? Jill can bring the vodka, and I'll bring a nice pinot noir. Wanders?
Seven blogs away from #1000? I think something in memoriam to the late, and greatly lamented, Aldo Kelrast would be in order. Definitely a pool party. Ladies, bring a plate. :-)
Speaking of catching up, does this hospital still employ a switch board operator?
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