Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mary Worth 1,024

Drew can only HOPE that it is the shock of being dumped. Unfortunately for Drew, the sweet psychoness that is Liza Colby continues to emerge.

Today's Full Strip


Punky said...

So much has happened in the background since Drew arrived! LiZa’s rather come-hither dress developed sleeves and a more modest neckline, there was a major face-touching incident, LiZa and Drew switched positions on the couch, a smallish horse rears in the place of the framed photo of what looks like LiZa herself (from last Thursday), outside the window it went from blue to black in the course of one short conversation, and LiZa seems to live in some Gotham City-type monstrosity that violates every coastal California ordinance there is. But I have to admit I'm eager to see how LiZa brings on the crazy.

Elaine said...

Wow, this is like that game in the paper to find the 6 changes! The only change in LiZa, besides her clothes, is that she becomes further detached from reality.

Chester the Dog said...

Gosh, even the horse wants to get out of this mess! Or does Drew carry sugar cubes in hos pocket?

Chester the Dog said...

Just read the sunday strip over. How on earth does LiZa afford to live in that HUGE building? On the 99th floor? No wonder she is always late for her shift, those elevators must add an hour to her commute!

Gina said...

The woman is wearing a dress that grows its own sleeves. I think the crazy's been brung.

Anonymous said...

The last couple of days Liza looks as if she has ben sucking on a lemon.

Anonymous said...

Non sequitor alert: Drew: "Let's just be friends." Liza: "Yes, the sky is blue, isn't it?"

Dave in Parma said...

From the flatlining two previous "plots" (I had to use some family friendly word to describe them), this is actually kind of interesting/entertaining!