Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Mary Worth 1,662

If you need support, Shannon, maybe you should join a support group. That is if you can restrain yourself from judging and insulting everybody.

Today's Full Strip


KitKat said...

Mary is going to dip that cactus she's holding in ink, sit right down, and write that administrator a letter. The she's going to hike 34 miles to the nearest post office to buy a stamp and mail the letter.

Chester the Dog said...

Shannon, calm down, if you lose your (ahem)job at Pax, you can always teach yoga at Mattress World!

r u ok? said...

I think Mary could go Machivallian here - she will also complain to the management of Pax, Shannon will get fired immediately, and Mary will volunteer and take over the "sharing" group.

Nance said...

Wow. What happened to Shannon Yoga's face?

This suddenly-created plot point has really aged her. Now she looks like Jay Leno's older sister.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mary is going to write a letter of support. Can this story get any more engrossing?

Delilah said...

Nance - ha! ha! She DOES look like she could be Leno's older sister. Thanks for the morning's chuckle!!

Yahoonski said...

"I don't want them to fire you."

"Would you Mary?"

"Oh yeah, I'd fire your dangerously incompetent posterior in a heartbeat, but I don't want THEM to do it."

Director, Board of Support Group Facilitators International said...

So, the administrators would fire her after only one complaint?!? Sounds more like she's been compiling acts of incompetency for a while if her job is in jeopardy after Angry Avocado's tirade.

heydave said...

The crisp snap of hard-hitting reality just permeates this entire story.

Vicki said...

So what happened to the young widow Mary counseled? Maybe SHE could write a letter to tell the administrators they should listen to Mary's letter. Wouldn't that be fun? *rolling my eyes*.

Jack Worth said...

I remember thinking how interesting it would be if Mary tried something new, something different. Thank you Mary for dashing my hopes on the rocks of despair.