Saturday, April 12, 2014

Mary Worth 1792

Keep your beautiful black olive eyes on the road, Iris! On the road! You're going to drive right into that elegant Charterstone sign! Whew. Close one. Let's hope she doesn't close her eyes altogether in panel 2.

Today's Full Strip


KitKat said...

In Sunday's strip, Iris runs into Mr. Alora - literally. However, the condo board hires Tommy to take Mr. Alora's job, so all's well that ends well, except for Mr. Alora.

Nance said...

Oh well. The damage is done. No use reviewing past interactions any further, or thinking about saying I'm sorry. Cross Wilbur Weston off the list.

Such is life in the Black And White Toddler World Of Iris Beedie.

Anonymous said...

Iris has no clue how desperate Wilbur is for female companionship, and more importantly, someone to make him his favorite sandwhich. Even if she smacked him in the head with her purse, he'd still willingly forgive and forget.

Chester the dog has really been the only likeable character in this strip in the past few years...well, and Chin Napkin, too.

Gina said...

Yes, it's too late now! Because the concept of "apology" does not exist in the Worthiverse!

Thorpnotized said...

I wonder what that steering wheel tastes like...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Iris will find an abandoned fawn and take it back to her apartment to raise. It'll take her mind off her other troubles

fauxprof said...

@Anonymous. I'll bet Uncle Joe can at least draw a fawn.

Chester the Dog said...

Chester thanks you for the kind words...

KitKat said...


Yoko Ono must be overwhelmed by being quoted in "Mary Worth." Overwhelmed by horror, that is.

If you picture floating-head Tommy with short black helmet hair, you get both Dawn Weston and (add glasses) Beth Kinley (particularly Beth in Elinor's nightmare).

fauxprof said...


You have to be impressed by Iris' talents as a quick change artist. She has switched from her purple top to a fuschia one with no visible effort. Applause, everyone!

JayKay said...

They said it shouldn't be done, putting that 90° turn into the access road to Charterstone Condominium Complex. "People will miss the turn and careen into the sign after a night on the town!" they said. But those brave developers - our boys in suits of grey or navy or black (but never brown) - did it, by dadgum! They did it and never looked back!