Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mary Worth 1815

Very familiar territory. Especially if you've ever seen a 1953 prison movie about a guy who had to mop a prison floor with a really long haired broom, and if he didn't do a good job he'd get shot by the mean prison guard. Yes, Tommy, working at Jerry's will be a lot like that movie

Today's Full Strip


Limber Joe said...

I know. Push broom/mop combo tool. Priceless. Somehow Tommy has morphed into Barry Manilow. BTW, correction officers (probably referred to as "screws" by Uncle Joe) are not armed when in the general population.

Nance said...

I am loathe to announce the Official Death of Punctuation in Panel One, murdered by KM.

Iris Beedie's speech bubble is the scene of the crime.

(After that, Panel Two seemed beneath my notice.)

Dave in Parma said...

I'm pretty sure that Tommy won't be able to dump his mop bucket all over the floor like that at Jerry's.

I can hear the interview now:

Jerry: "So--do you have any experience with janatorial work?
Tommy: "Yes, sir-- 5 years, during my sentence for petty theft."

Jerry: "Next!"

p.s. Am I the only one who finds the new wv format brutal?

TeacherPatti said...

Does anyone really say "your something, aka something else"...? It reads very odd.

meg said...

I've seen this exact scene in an amateur production of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, only with lumberjack axes instead of a broomop and a gun, and with women instead of a crash test dummy.

Dawn Weston's Evil Twin said...

Why did Tommy cut his hair? He used to be so dreamy! I was hoping that he would hook up with my sister Dawn!

On another note, will he lose his superpowers like Samson did when Delilah cut his hair? And you know what superpowers I mean!

fauxprof said...

So, has Tommy applied a thick coat of zinc oxide to his lower lip, or has he developed a Mortimer Snerd overbite? Or heck, is that even Tommy?

Dawn Weston said...

Why is Tommy's hair short in his memory of his prison time? It was long (and hot!) when he got out.

Mrvy said...
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mrvy said...

Iris speaks perhaps the most honest sentiment ever written in MW - she acknowledges that Mary's style of encouragement is pretty much a guilt trip.