Monday, January 5, 2015

Mary Worth 1964

Gordon enjoys his grandmother's vision problem because it means the furniture is arranged two feet from the flatscreen. Unfortunately, he is so focused on feverishly flipping through the channels that he has missed seeing his mother and grandmother hover over the living room floor as they carry on their unusually civil conversation.

Today's Full Strip


fauxprof said...

Amy's legs do not quite match up to her body, and it's unsettling. In addition, Gordon's legs seem much longer than they did yesterday. But then, he's a growing (and shrinking) boy.

Elaine said...
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KitKat said...

Today's panels have induced claustrophobia in me - ugh! The framed pieces on the walls make it worse.

Questions: (1) Does Gordy attend school? (2) Does Amy have a job? (I recall we speculated about her (ahem) "evening hours"). (3) By my tally, Sean and Hanna have had two "dates": a walk and a concert. So why is there speculation about "Is it serious?"

Tony said...

There was also their dinner with Mary, so that Mary could observe them together. Amy should ask Mary how serious it is.

birdie said...

They should both ask Toby. She knows more about Hanna and Sean's relationship than than either of them know.