Anonymous, we're in for a very long storyline if Terry's sister arrives, weds Adam and bears a tribe of sons. Maybe Dawn, Toby and the flower fairies can serve as Adams's handmaids.
It will be Big Love - Santa Royale. Oh, I do not want to see Joe's drawing of those scenes.
That particular Bible story gets really complicated and messy. Let's not even get started on poor Dinah. Introducing scripture into a newspaper comic is a pretty perilous tactic at best, and I 'd hope K. Moy drops that conceit.
Today's quote really hits the nail on the head! "Between the wish and the thing lies waiting." I wish something interesting would happen in this strip. Now I'm in for a long wait...
Quoting scripture (or sorta scripture) made Adam's toupee slip.
Let me get this straight: The trial period consists of Adam planning weekend jaunts, with Terry waiting for everything inside her to say "Yes!" Sounds like a mature relationship, right?
Looking forward to Terry's sister entering into the storyline. Could get interesting.
Are they already finishing each other's sentences?
No attribution for today's quote. Did Moy just make it up?
Anonymous, we're in for a very long storyline if Terry's sister arrives, weds Adam and bears a tribe of sons. Maybe Dawn, Toby and the flower fairies can serve as Adams's handmaids.
It will be Big Love - Santa Royale. Oh, I do not want to see Joe's drawing of those scenes.
That particular Bible story gets really complicated and messy. Let's not even get started on poor Dinah. Introducing scripture into a newspaper comic is a pretty perilous tactic at best, and I 'd hope K. Moy drops that conceit.
Today's quote really hits the nail on the head! "Between the wish and the thing lies waiting." I wish something interesting would happen in this strip. Now I'm in for a long wait...
Quoting scripture (or sorta scripture) made Adam's toupee slip.
Let me get this straight: The trial period consists of Adam planning weekend jaunts, with Terry waiting for everything inside her to say "Yes!" Sounds like a mature relationship, right?
@Yahoonski, looks like a misquote of Cormac MacCarthy, mashed up with a bit of T. S. Eliot. Somewhere Moy's English teacher is weeping.
Terry looks awfully spooked in that last panel. Please, please, tell him no. Unleash the beastly stalker, redeem this ridiculous plot.
Gina: Why didn't she just say "Waiting is the hardest part" and give Tom Petty his due?
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