Saturday, July 9, 2016

Mary Worth 2350

When I see today's strip, I get nervous. Clearly, Joe Giella has upped his game. IPhones with audio and charging ports, believable shadows on people's faces, the stainless steel texture above the food counter, and food that looks almost edible. I worry that someone had a talkin' to Uncle Joe, and that he's feeling threatened and working under duress. It's enough to drive a man to addiction.


KitKat said...

Wanders, at least Tommy's shirt is lacking the collar it magically acquired yesterday.

Both Iris and Mary need to fill that prescription?

"Tina baby...I won't be able to see your beautiful face" - is Karen Moy binging on B movies from the 1940s and 50s? And, shouldn't Tommy be calling his boss to say that he won't be able to work?

fauxprof said...

As an aficionado of TCM, I agree with @KitKat about the labored dramatic dialog. It's only. A strain, Tommy. For some of us, lower back pain s a way of life.

Anonymous said...

Man, how much did CVS have to shell out to buy half an ad in Mary Worth? Get ready to pay more for prescriptions.

Yahoonski said...

Not sure about the (almost) edibility of the food depicted (looks like a big pile of congealed poutine), but I too have noticed the improved quality of Joe's work lately. I just figured he must be inspired by this hard-hitting, ripped-from-today's-headlines plot and Moy's spot-on dialogue. Or maybe he's just started taking Vicodin, which can be purchased at a discount at any Vicodin Savers pharmacy.
I do wonder, though, why they have to keep the ketchup and mustard under the heat lamps.

Maxwell Bacon said...

LOTS of revelations today!
--"Tina" is a real person, not slang for Tommy having a "date" with meth. (Thank goodness for that!)
--Iris, Mary, the doctor, AND Tommy (or at least Iris and Mary) are totally clueless about how unwise it is for a former drug addict to be taking Vicodin.
--I totally agree with Wanders that the weekday artist has "kicked it up a notch" to keep up with the great art on Sundays! BAM!!! I'm lovin' it!
--The writer has/has not kicked it up a notch? What do YOU think?
--This strip is shilling for a real-life pharmacy chain. (So disappointing!)

tkraft said...

Maxwell, your last comment is spot on.. I personally was hoping for"Drugs R Us" "DrugMart" or really holding out for "Tyrannosaurus Rx"!

tkraft said...
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