Monday, August 21, 2017

Mary Wort 2672

Whoever said ventriloquism is a lost art?


Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

These two idiots saying each other's names over and over reminds me of the old Stan Freberg recording "John and Marsha":

I guess Dr. Ned feels he's two dinners in and he's got to move in for the kill.

mrvy said...

I'm concerned Moy is veering into a very not-family-friendly direction.
Dawn, please don't be an idiot.
Ned should burst into song: "Dawn, go away, I'm no good for yooooouuuuuu......" But he won't. Wanders could add that tune to the Jukebox, though.

fauxprof said...

Ned: Now, er, Sweetheart, let's recap. You live alone, and your father is out of town? He's not likely to drop back in any time soon?
Dawn: Oh, no, Ned, dear! He's at the North Pole, or Antarctica or Madagascar or some place like that. I didn't pay much attention when he last Skyped me.
Ned: Ah, good. You must be lonely. I can take care of that.
Dawn: Of course, there's this neighbor who drops by from time to time, but she's not a problem...
(Back at Charterstone, Mary's Spidey-sense--or tummy brain, or whatever--starts to tingle...)

Anonymous said...

@Regina W-P -- Ha haaaaa, that is hilarious! I remember that Stan Freberg bit. You nailed it!

I can't believe Ned is whispering sweet logistical arrangements in her ear.

Okay, I can.

-- Scottie McW.

meg said...

Wanders, please stand by at the Charterstone Jukebox for the next scene:

Dawn and Ned arrive at the Weston apartment. They open the door.

(Wanders, here's your cue.)

🎶Daddy's Home (from a thousand miles away)🎶

Shep and the Limelites, 1961

Anonymous said...

Ned: Let's go to your place because?

a) I have another girlfriend at home
b) I lost everything in the divorce and live in a van
c) I have custody of my two kids and don't want to have to explain bringing another new "Aunt" home
d) I want to host a World of Warcraft tournament

and Ned's Saturday comment: "It's NICE that you experienced BOTH coasts." still has me wondering ...

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled "Child Support Is Killing Me And I Need A Place To Stay, But It's Only For A Little While, And I Really, Really Care About You".

Alone traveling? Right?

Chester the Dog said...

Dawn is one dense girl.

Chin Napkin Groupie said...

Aren't there laws against seducing the mentally challenged? probably not, now that I've given it more thought.

Dave in Parma said...

Oh, for the love of God....

I had some similar thoughts as anonymous:
1) Can't go home because wifey is there watching the kids
2) Ned's real name is Chris Foley and he lives IN A VAN, DOWN BY THE RIVER
3) He's looking for a place to hold a rave
4) He sells security systems on the side; health insurance doesn't pay what it used to

doug said...

Is Mary going to run into Dr. Ned doing the walk of shame?

Moss_Moses said...

The handsome and talented Dr. Ned is making his passion play. Is he too cheap to spring for a hotel room? Why does he insist on going to Dawn's place? By the way, where is Jared? Is he stalking out Dawn's place? I think that Dr. Ned will prove what a jerk he really is by punching out Jared and Dawn will be right there to witness it. Dr. Ned seems to be the polar opposite of the platonic Professor Harlan Jones. He is looking for some action.

meg said...

Who was Dr. Ned talking to on the phone earlier? Telling his Mom he'd be home late?

DWET said...

"Oh, DAWN ..."
"Oh, NED!"
Oh, brother!

True Standish said...

I think Ned will have his way with Dawn, then he'll break into song, singing, "Dawn, go away! I'm too good for you!"

Then Dawn will console herself with a milkshake and a chat with Jared who will seem nice at first but will turn into another Aldo Kelrast!

Dawn, the dense one, has already told Dr. Ned that she lives alone and Jared that she lives at Charterstone. I sense trouble a-brewing!

Chester the Dog said...

To quote Tootie from The Fact of Life: "There's troubblleee!"

Delilah said...

My mother had an expression for this type of misbehavior: “I know where that’s goin’!