Monday, November 20, 2017

Mary Worth 2747

Dang, I was really hoping we'd get more of Fabiana, but it looks like she's gone for good. I'm surprised that Wilbur hasn't figured that out, but just one block away from Joyeria and she's nowhere to be found.


KitKat said...

Wilbur, I'm guessing that Fabiana will be more pleased with more jewelry. Or, how about a snazzy car? You learning to dance won't get Fabby's hair swooping.

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled "Clueless Wilbur Needs To Buy A Clue".

Salsa! Pleased!!

Nance said...

You know, if this were not such a sleepy comic strip and it had real plot lines, Wilbur would stumble in to get salsa lessons and see Fabiana and her brother working some other clueless geezer for cash and jewelry. He'd have his Aha Moment, and we'd either see a confrontation or he'd slink away, embarrassed and consider it Lesson Learned.


Dave in Parma said...

How thoughtful. I wonder if Fabiana is trying to figure out what new talent- a job perhaps- she can learn from Little sister Dawn to surprise mi bank account.

Anonymous said...

Wethinks there will be a surprise indeed!

-- Scottie McW.

r u ok? said...

Wilbur outsourced his Ask Wendy column to Mary - I don't remember if Wilbur is still getting paid for it. Did Wilbur find someone to outsource his survival story gig too and we just haven't been told about it? If so, Wilbur might have other writing gigs he's outsourced to dupes like Mary and is raking in the big bucks for them all. How else could he decide to retire in Bogota? Also, how is Wilbur getting around, just by walking? Bogota is a little city of 8+ million people.

LouiseF said...

Guess I need to get my mind out of the gutter...When Wilbur said he had a surprise in mind for Fabiana, learning salsa was NOT what I imagined him planning...With a dad like Wilbur, it's no wonder Dawn is as socially crippled as she is... Wilbur needs a "Jared" (complete with Star Wars memorabilia) to come along and wise him up to what's happening with Fabiana.

meg said...

“How I Survived Being Scammed by a Beautiful Senorita and her Alleged Cousin in Bogota (and no, I didn’t get my money back, but I did learn to salsa dance, and now I teach it at the Santa Royals Senior Center. Life is good.)

By Wilbur Weston

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nance - Wilbur goes to the Salsa Studio, but Fabiana and Pedro are romancing.

Leaving us all to ask: What was the point of this story arc?

Life is Brutal.

Chin Napkin Groupie said...

All in a day's work, Fabiana. All in a successful day's work.

Downpuppy said...

Doubters! Wilbur has found true love. The only surprise awaiting him is how NICE and ENJOYABLE it will be dancing until his feet bleed.

Dave in Parma said...

Best line of the day goes to 'r u ok', re: Wilbur getting around by walking.

btw, if you squint closely at the background, right next to Joyeria (Jewelery store--who knew?--and I work for a Joyeria), you can see a small store front with 'Casa De Empeno' on the sign).

Shmoopie said...

No, no, no! There is an omission in panel 1, which should read "I'm going to learn how to MAKE salsa!" Put that on a mayonnaise sandwich and eat it!