Friday, December 1, 2017

Mary Worth 2758

Being with you feels so natural. It's almost as if I never dumped you.


KitKat said...

Wanders, today's secret message is spot on.

Zak is clutching his wine glass so tight, it's shrunk into a cordial glass. Tomorrow it will be a shot glass.

June's candles with haloes remind me of Mr. Giella's. With luck, Iris's ruffled cuffs will catch fire and add some excitement to this dreary dinner.

Dave in Parma said...

Iris appears to have picked up a discarded Jerry Seinfeld pirate shirt from Thrift Shop. A more appropriate response would have been "ARRRRGGGHHH! YOU SHIVER ME TIMBERS TOO MATEY!"

r u ok? said...

Maybe the plot will twist where Iris gets Zak Iks and WIlbur will end up with a son - Tommy. Win-win-win-win.

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"And Playing The Roles Of Storm And Sundance Today Are..."

Great! Grateful Zakiks!
You. Missed!
Too! Natural...apart!

Anonymous said...

The word "flighty" comes to mind.

Meanwhile, what's Zak's deal? Does he have an oedipal complex? Does he not want kids someday? Or has he just been patiently plotting his revenge break-up?

-- Scottie McW.

Vince said...

It's interesting how people try to analyze the plot of this set of awkwardly interlocking stories. I'm not sure there is too much going on behind and underneath these unlikely situations, but I could be wrong.

Wanders, I am concerned about your growing cynicism. You used to be more wide-eyed.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so if we are to assume that Wilbur is heading home to Santa Royale, does that mean that there were only two "survivors" on his list? One in Antarctica and one in Columbia?

Gina said...

@Vince -- that's what Fabiana does to men. Especially when they're coming to grips with the fact that they'll never again see her leopard-skin pants.

meg said...

Zak is running out of time. His Airbnb penthouse rental ends tonight, the lease on his fancy car has a few more days, and the bank that finances Zakiks is demanding payment. If he can’t persuade Iris to hand over the late Mr. Beedies’ life insurance proceeds, he’s splaked.

Soon it will be Iris’s turn to exclaim, “What a fool I’ve been!”

MissScarlet said...

MW fans - do take a look at today's Prickly City by Scott Stantis. Mary like we've never seen her before!

LouiseF said...

meg.. uh oh. Does this mean Wilbur and Iris are about to fall into one another's (clueless) arms?! Noooo.... If we don't get to see Iris and Zak making out in the elevator as Wilbur gets on, laden with suitcases, whimpering a final "Aieee!", I will feel extremely cheated.

Anonymous said...

Being interested in an older woman is not Oedipal, unless that woman happens to be your mother.

meg said...

LouiseF- of COURSE Wilbur and Iris are going to get back together. To do otherwise would be interesting, and as we all know, Mary Worth the strip (and the person) is never interesting.

Imogene said...

Saturday: Is putting mini marshmallows in your wine a thing now? I may have to give up wine. Thanks a lot, Ms Moy!

Anonymous said...


“You’ve got to learn — to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em” — Kenny Rogers

And what does the remark “What happens in Bogota stays in Bogota” mean? Is Wilbur being wry? Iris already knows about his fling. How is that going to stay in Bogota?

KitKat said...

Wilbur should have asked about the BOGO deal on emerald rings at Joyeria. A spare would be handy when he shows up at Iris's door. Calling her "mi amor" won't cut it.

Anonymous said...

How long do you suppose it took Moy to come up with this past week's content? Five minutes?

Nice work if you can get it.

-- Scottie McW.

Dave in Parma said...

Can we just refer to Wilbur as "The Fool" from now on? That's a plot development on which I can get on board.

I thought that what happens in Bogota doesn't stay in Bogota but passes through the border and into the crack houses of the USA? If that a subtle hint that we're going to find that Wilbur has his crazy money from being a behind the sevens drug kingpin, or maybe will be stopped at customs upon landing as an unwitting drug mule no (Senior! It's not what it looks like! This belongs to Mi Amor!). Also plot lines in onboard with.