Sunday, March 4, 2018

Mary Worth 2831

"You can say THAT again!" Ha ha ha ha ha. Because Ted rubbed Mary's body when she didn't want him to. So it's funny. Ha ha ha ha ha.


Anonymous said...


So that's it? One "Mr. Miller", a "I'm glad you're happy with it", and a "He can rub people the wrong way". And that's it? Jeff's never going to hear about what a jerk Ted is? To his beloved Mary?

Maybe Mary has mixed locaine powder in with the salt shaker for Jeff.

Tomorrow a new story? That's it?

Anonymous said...

But Mary, don't you think that charging money for them cheapens the muffin experience?

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 11:23

Yep, yet another MW story line dies with a whimper.


-- S. McW.

TimP said...

"He's a good salesman!" is emphatically not sufficient to justify starting a business (a muffin manufacturing and distribution business no less) with someone. At least Jeff seems to have picked up on Mary's very broad insinuations and turned on a dime to nearly completely disavow Ted.

fauxprof said...

I’m holding out the faintest possible hope that Ted will sneak back into Santa Royale, and skulk around in the shadows. He could still be Aldo 2.0. But that idea is being drowned out by the unmistakable sound of all the air hissing out of this deflating storyline.

Garnet said...

That's it? She's not going to tell Jeff what happened? And he doesn't want to know what happened that made Mary do a 180 on their whole bizarre muffin scheme?

LouiseF said...

I think Jeff is just an android, and Mary knows it. That's the only possible explanation for Mary keeping the Ted story under wraps. She knows Jeff can't possibly understand, because his circuits are not programmed to say anything else but "what a character!"

Gina said...

Now I'm picturing Mary Worth as a Tennessee Williams character.

"Jeff, your friend Ted Miller wanted to . . . to . . . to be my gentleman caller!"

KitKat said...

I can think of two titles for this “plot”:

“For the Love of Muffins”

“Jeff is as Dumb as a Biox of Rocks”

KitKat said...

“Box,” not that other thing I typed

Peggy Olson said...

Gina, Mary has always depended on the kindness of strangers. Especially a strange, casual acquaintance who’s really a lech (but a great salesman).

Seriously, my head is spinning. WHY wouldn’t she tell Jeff that his casual friend is a groping jerk?

Yahoonski said...

Maybe that's not wine, and Mary's just more comfortable with #MeadToo than #MeToo.

mr_darcy said...

So after Ted got handsy the first time, Mary invited him to her apartment again, popped him like Batman, and isn't telling Jeff what happened. It's as if Capt Mary was testing whether her schooner is seaworthy, and isn't letting the first mate know the float test even happened. Sounds as if Mary is planning a solo voyage.