Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Mary Worth 2838

I know money exists in the Worthiverse. Olive asked Mary Worth for some money to give to a homeless man because her heart was generous and her tummy brain was a little mooch. Ted Confey swindled Adrian out of $50,000. And of course, Wilbur used his credit card to buy a $30,000 emerald ring for Fabiana. And yet, semesters abroad seem to be free.


fauxprof said...

Three months!! In Worthiverse time, that amounts to several years. Now, this could mean a couple of different things. We could go along with Dawn on an excruciatingly extended tour of Beautiful Italy (with “friend” Harlan). Or, Dawn can conveniently disappear from our purview, her absence easily explained, should anyone think to ask. (Christmas, 2019: “How’s Dawn doing, Wilbur?” “Just got a postcard from Italy. The David statue reminds her of Harlan.”)

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

All I can think of is three months of Dawn.

Maybe her and Harlan should stay friends mainly because he is her teacher and she is his student. We know where this is going. Because Dawn falls in love at the drop of a hat we can look forward to three months (or in Worthverse six months) of Dawn mooning over Harlan and looking at nude statues thinking how they remind her of Harlan.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

@Fauxprof: you beat me to the comments, but hit on all the points I was thinking of. Great minds think alike LOL.

KitKat said...

That collective scream you're hearing is Pink Floyd fans everywhere cursing Baren Moy, unless the poster was June's idea. If so, the curse is on her.

Do Wilbur and Dawn speak about anything beyond muffins? She's packing to go abroad and he doesn't even know how long she'll be gone? And, since Dawn and Harlan decided it was best to be friends, they must have discussed being something other than friends. Alarm bells are ringing while Wilbur manages only weak "If you say so" thought balloon. Of course, he never told Dawn about her almost-stepmother Fabiana.

Anonymous said...

The front of Wilbur's tee shirt: "Ask me about my parenting."

The back: "It's still not so hot."

Wanders, let's not forget all the money that Mary's muffins raised for church repairs. That paid for a box of nails easily.

-- Scottie McW.

Chester the Dog said...

Wilbur: Three months? But Dawn, what about your other classes?
Dawn: My other...what?

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"And Just Like That, KM Neatly Dispenses With Another Inappropriate Plotline So That We Can All Move On And Not Be So Judgy Anymore".

Good friends! Best.
(Say.) Long?
Three-month. Back summer!

Anonymous said...

You know, it was just barely 2 months ago (Jan 21) that we all walked along with Wilbur down that golden garden path in the Charterstone park, with his "Sunsets teach us that endings can be beautiful" reflection. I thought and hoped then that he was marching off into the sunset, perhaps never to be seen again.

Now all of a sudden, here he is again. Now I worry that it's going to be Wilbur and Dawn for the summer.

LouiseF said...

Since it's a little hard to imagine today's college student embracing Pink Floyd, I suspect Dawn has been in school since Dark Side of the Moon was released (March 1, 1973)..Given that time/space warp, I suspect we will be treated to a nice, long stint of Dawn in Italy. At least there will be no muffins..

Vince said...

LouiseF, don't count out the muffins just yet! As fauxprof points out, these past few days could just be getting us ready for Dawn being out of the picture for several months. Maybe we'll go back to Wilbur trying to win Iris's heart again, and maybe a bag of muffins could be just what is needed to make her forget about Zak, or has Wilbur already tried that? I can't remember.

LouiseF said...

Vince, The muffins will only work on Iris if they are laced with Love Potion #9...

Wanders said...

@LoiuseF: two of my college aged children enjoy Pink Floyd quite a bit. They don’t, however, enjoy Mary Worth.

Dawn Weston's Evil Twin said...

I think that Pink Floyd fans and Mary Worth fans are mutually exclusive sets of people. ... I hope to see Dawn and Professor Harlan Jones doing parkour up the side of the leaning Tower of Pisa pretty soon! ... Once again, there was no pool party to mark the transition from old "plot" to new "plot." ... What underwhelming, anticlimactic disappointment of an ending will this "plot" lead to? I'm guessing a heartbroken Dawn, drowning her sorrows in either gelato or Chianti. ... Or maybe Moy will try to connect Dawn's "story" with Mary's in some profound (or maybe lame) way.

LouiseF said...

Wanders, I feel the need to amend my comments about college students and Pink Floyd. I just realized I balk at the idea of Dawn Weston being a fan of Pink Floyd; she's way too uncool for that. And, as for today's college students, (of which we have one), when he was pre-kindergarten, one of his favorite things to do was scream along with that line in "The Wall" "We Don't Need No Education!" as we were driving to school in the morning. Luckily, he got over that. Now his favorite artist is Chance the Rapper...