Thursday, January 3, 2019

Mary Worth 3037

"Hey, after dinner, why don't we watch Fatal Attraction?"


Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Dang Wanders, you beat me to the Sally Field reference!

OMG, how long is this "Ian bragging to Toby about a student liking him" going to go on? Ian is so dumb and naive. Does this dope know what obsession is?

BTW Wanders, a good song for the jukebox would be Obsession by Animotion. The song describes Jannie to a tee.

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"KM Continues Building The Kilimanjaro Of Rising Action Whilst We Share Toby's Dismay".

Biggest especially...
Jannie? Flatter higher grade?
Don't! Likes!

Anonymous said...

"She really likes me. I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned about. I'll just humor her. What could go wrong?"

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

Ian, I'm married and I can tell you NEVER say that with a smile. In the end, it's not funny.

Chester the Dog said...

Dumb Ian, you NEVER say that to your spouse. Never. Tonight, Toby is going to be painting some pretty angry clowns!

TimP said...

Ian is relaying this information inappropriately but we have to cut him some slack as he clearly hasn't experienced receiving praise from a student before.

Michael Beaumier said...

I don’t think drawing Ian "younger" makes him any less insufferable, but at least we’re spared having to hear him talk. My heart goes out to Jannie. But not Toby.

LouiseF said...

Can't wait for Toby to start reminding Ian that he is her "old familiar". Either she doesn't remember Ian taking her for granted (back in 2015) and her decamping to Mary's for a few weeks, or both of them are just that superficial... Thinking it's the latter.

LouiseF said...

Wanders, LOVE the "Fatal Attratction" reference, which bookends nicely with Sally Field's quotation.. Bet she's never lived that one down and might want to discover it mentioned in a blog about Mary Worth.

Yahoonski said...

Reminds me of Al Franken's affirmations ("And darn it, people LIKE me."), but I love Toby's P2 expression("Good Lord, I've married an idiot.").

KitKat said...

Dinner appears to be invisible soup and water, which is an apt commentary on the state of the Cameron marriage.

lmjb1964 said...

In Ian's defense, he apparently doesn't get any positive feedback from Toby. Maybe he's so starved for compliments that he'll take them anywhere, including from an inappropriately obsessed student (as opposed, of course, to an appropriately obsessed student).

I wonder if Toby will go to her studio one day and find all of the heads chopped off of her little gray animal statues?

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

We actually did hear Sally Field's "You like me" quote in the strip before. It was when Wilbur's column returned to The Pennysaver after much public outcry. I don't what's worse: a smug, insufferable Wilbur or a smug, insufferable Ian.

Tim said...

I'm assuming airhead Toby will respond by ridiculing the very possibility a young student might be impressed with Ian as a professor. In the real world Toby and Ian would be heading toward a break up, possibly divorce. In the Worthverse Mary will intervene and all will be well.
I think having Ian and Jannie run off together would be refreshing.

meg said...

Great Banquo’s Ghost, man! Din’t ye notice that yon Ian is not able to RUN anywhere, much less away with that Jannie?

Tim said...

@meg point taken. So waddle away with Jannie.

LouiseF said...

Not sure what to make of being the first to comment here today..Perhaps the Worthiverse is being affected by the government shutdown. That WOULD be a denial of essential services. In any case, I see that Mary has managed to make a 180 in her opinion of how Toby currently treat s Ian. Her alarm a few weeks ago was over Toby's cavalier attitude about her "old familiar". Mary is missing a golden opportunity to say righteously "I told you so" to the charmless Toby. At least she could come up with a passive/aggressive smirk...

KitKat said...

Mary has WAY too much confidence in the Old Familiar Chinbeard. He’s so starved for attention, he’s a prime target for Jannie.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Mary seems Kind of annoyed that Toby's bringing her concerns to her. Very un-Mary like. She seems to be saying "Ian's a big boy and you need to put on your big girl pants and deal with it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have muffins to bake."

fauxprof said...

Having little interest in Toby and Ian’s marital strife, I focused on the picture on Mary’s end table. Is it Jack Worth with a 1960’s Beatle haircut? Or Angry Aggravated Aggie from Pax Wellness Center?

LouiseF said...

Fauxprof, I suspect the photo is a relative of Libby the Cat, considering that Mary was so undone over Libby's being adopted. Also Toby appears to be wearing a sweater with a patent leather band around each arm and over the chest, no doubt a Christmas present from Ian. Given how ugly that sweater is, Mary should bring her laser-focused powers of observation to the situation and give Toby some better advice.

meg said...

Mary needs to lay off the sauce- her right eyeball is bright yellow. (Or is it just me?) And Toby has apparently taken Mary’s advice to spice things up a little- she’s wearing what appears to be BDSM wear, nicely accessorized with a little lock locket around her neck.

meg said...

Oops, PS. On 12/17, Toby said being with Ian is like wearing comfortable old socks. On New Years Eve, Ian was actually wearing them.

Anonymous said...

Meg - not seeing the yellow eyeball. And... I don't think that's a locket. I think it's a zipper. I think...

meg said...

On the comics kingdom website, her eyeball is the same color as the wall in back of her- perhaps only noticeable if enlarged. And when I enlarged it, I realized that might be a zipper tab, but I dwell in the Worthiverse where I choose the silliest explanation for anything I encounter. And in case anyone is wondering about my knowledge of BDSM wear, I saw Adam Rippon wearing one like this at the Oscars.

Anonymous said...


The first thing I thought of this morning when I saw today's strip was, "I wonder why Mary has a photo of [former Oakland A's and St. Louis Cardinals manager] Tony LaRussa on her end table."

-- S. McW.