Thursday, April 9, 2020

Mary Worth 3334

But do you, Dawn? Do you, really? I mean, you really don't have clarity yet. Get clarity first. I suspect Jared would hardly know you're missing. Once you have clarity, then you can tell him.


LouiseF said...

Betting this is the French publishing company Hugo works for. The owners look like something straight out of JB's pen. I can hear them "tee hee hee" already. Hugo will be an employee in their Interior Decor department, specializing in house painting...

Anonymous said...

Apparently it just dawned on Dawn that she will have to tell Jared. Amazing. All that's missing from her thought balloon is a hearty "DOH!"

That's a nice table she's working on. What, did Wilbur slap that thing together with warped scrap lumber?

-- Scottie McW.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Good call about the table, Scottie McW. I was thinking "what junkyard did this table come from?"

Dawn has been all gaga about Jared and she forgets about him when she tells Hugo they will meet in a quarantined NYC next week? So much for "clarity".

At least she and Hugo will have Times Square all to themselves.

I can't wait to see Jared's reaction. I'm hoping there will be crying involved.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, every time Jared sees Mary at Whateverview Hospital, she visibly smirks.

-- S. McW.

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"A Summary For Mary Worth April 10-30".

Details next week!
Sounds good.
Wait! Au revoir!
À bientôt!
(Oh no...Jared!)

MDMaryTed said...

What does Dawn have to tell Jared? That Hugo exists? Wasn't one of the first things that Dawn told Jared when she ran into him at the pizza parlor when she was finding a quiet place to study was that she had a boyfriend in France? So you would think that the first thing that Jared should have asked when Dawn said she loved him was what about Hugo. Oh KM, you never disappoint when it comes to ridiculous plot lines.

KitKat said...

Hey Dawn, maybe you should take Claritin to help you get clarity.

Anonymous said...

Ah... Scottie Mc.W & Regina W-P... I don't think that's a table. I think Dawn is still sitting on her bed and that's the bedspread. What's up with you two? Did you get into KM's lack-of-continuity drugs?


Anonymous said...

Helen, you're absolutely right! It's Dawn's bed that is made out of warped scrap lumber! :)

-- S. McW.

lmjb1964 said...

HelenClark, why on earth would anyone be expecting continuity in the Worthiverse? But you're right, it does seem to be her bed, speaking of continuity, as I scroll through the past few days, I see there isn't much. First the computer is in front of Dawn, then it's to the left of her, then back in front, then to the RIGHT of her, then I guess back in front. That laptop wanders as much as Dawn's attention does.

Wanders, you took the words right out of my mouth. Do you need to tell Jared, Dawn? And MDMaryTed, I don't know why that hadn't occurred to me before, but you are absolutely right. When Jared told Dawn that he has "fallen in love" with her, and she said, basically, "Ditto!", why didn't Jared ask, "So, what about Frenchie?" How did that not come up at all. Oh, right, no one in the Worthiverse is a normal human being.

Nance, the BFH was spot on. Hilarious!

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

@Helen Clark: So sorry...I looked back and you're right. I need to get some clarity along with Dawn LOL.