Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mary Worth 3371

"I was surprised. I always thought he was trustworthy and loyal. I didn't think he was a lying creep. Like me."


Michael Beaumier said...

If I were having a conversation with either Mary or Dawn, I also would avoid making eye contact. So it’s fun to watch them together, like two wrongs making a delicious, fresh-baked right.

Anonymous said...

Talk of minimal damage begets minimal interest in this week-long filler.

-- Scottie McW.

katyb said...

I really hope that Mary's word balloon in panel 2 is hiding the muffin Dawn has just crowned her with. Doing it in such a was as to inflict "minimal damage," of course.

Anonymous said...

It is ironic that Dawn's ego would be hurt because Hugo was doing exactly the same thing as Dawn. Mary is the one who gave official approval for the long distance relationship. This shows that Dawn doesn't really take MW's advice. I am hoping the next episode is not Beedie, Corey or Weston-centric. Aren't we due for a little Professor Ian Cameron?

KitKat said...

Did Mary eat her tiny plate before starting on the muffin?

Dawn learned the difference between her feelings and her ego in Harlan's Philosophy for Dum Dums class.

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Thankfully, Nothing Really Mattered, And I Can Go On As Before, Like I Did With All The Other Men I Have Adulted With".

Someone else!

LouiseF said...

Of course it never occurred to Dawn that Hugo was maybe "interested in someone else" the whole time he was with her. Dawn's use of the present tense shows her self-absorbed naivetee. There's a nice French word for you... She apparently believes Hugo JUST met someone in Paris and wasn't stringing them both along in some effort to keep a woman in every port the whole time. Maybe Hugo is someone who (sacre bleu!) supports open relationships. In any case, I am glad Dawn now has an ego to be "minimally" damaged. I couldn't stand her when she was a sniveling wimp, huddled on the couch, watching "Game of Thrones", so maybe she's making SOME progress.

Anonymous said...

My mom said if I can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Just as we talked about crumbs on the couch yesterday, Mary is mawing on her muffin with no plate or napkin in sight.

"I'm glad there was minimal damage" sounds like Dawn repaired a hole in the wall. Does KM ever listen to how real people speak? who would even say something so stupid?

Anonymous said...

Minimal damage? Are we talking about the end of a romance or a train wreck? ... Sorry; just answered my own question.


Chester the Dog said...

Was the trip to NYC even needed?

meg said...


I’ll hae ye know there’s aught that’s little about Professor Ian Cameron, lassie! An’ if ye don’t believe me, ye can ask my lovely ladywife!

Anonymous said...

Hi. First time blogger. Short term lister. Long time fan. I need more creative ideas from how to keep up with social media without causing a tidal wave.