Saturday, August 15, 2020

Mary Worth 3440

Ever since Madi's worthotomy, I don't like her as much.


Anonymous said...

Worthotomy! Outstanding, Wanders!

There, that wasn't so hard. It took only three generations of females and a voice from the grave to make a banana bread. Well done, Toby!

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

This whole banana bread as a dessert thing is still annoying the heck out of me. If I didn’t know better, I might think that KM’s idea was for Mary to pull a passive aggressive maneuver on Toby. I mean, Mary has to be fuming! For the first time in decades, she wasn’t asked to bake the dessert for the annual Charterstone meeting of the who-knows-whom/what. So she’s encouraged Toby to go ahead and show up with loaves of banana bread knowing full well that Mrs. Carmichael from Unit 47 will jump up and shout, “What? Are you an idiot, Toby? Who, in their right mind, would think of banana bread as a dessert!” But like I said… if I didn’t know better.


KitKat said...

I second Scottie McW.'s praise for Worthotomy, Wanders - sheer genius. Madi's transformation into Mary haindmaiden is as disappointing as Jill Black's switcheroo from mean, hostile drunk to repentant former bad girl. (That was a long time ago. Lots of Worthiverse denizens don't even know about Jill Black. Those were the days.)

HelenClark, that was my thought exactly - the Condo Board shoild censure Toby for bringing banana bread instead of a real dessert. This banana bread, without AND with the secret ingredient, looks like a culture growing in a petri dish, what with those squiggly shapes and unidentifiable clumps.

I wonder if Saul Wynter will be at the meeting. If so, he might feed a piece of that so-called dessert to Greta, and she could meet the same fate as the late Bella.

doug said...

@HelenClark--this is the same comic strip that had a storyline where muffins were served as an appetizer at a dinner party, as in an amuse-bouche prior to the main course of roast beef and asparagus. Karen Moy doesn't really 'get' food.

lmjb1964 said...

Love "Worthotomy"! I thought the Stepford Wives were scary. The Charterstone Wives are worse.

Also, seconding (thirding? sixthing? I know there has been a lot of outrage about it) the whole "banana bread as dessert" thing. And it make the fact the Toby-needs-help angle so much more stupid. As others have pointed out, it is the easiest frickin' recipe in the world. I mean, I can see someone following a banana bread recipe and saying, oops, I forgot to add X, or oops, I didn't put enough flour in. I can't however, imagine any part of any banana bread recipe that someone would read and think, "What the..?" Also, while I'm pointing out ridiculous things (how much time do you have?), when she said that, she had apparently already done one test batch, and judging from the destruction in her kitchen, started at least two others. How is she just NOW getting to a part of the recipe she doesn't understand?

Ah, I just had a thought. We already know Moy doesn't know how humans speak. Maybe it's because she never interacts with other humans, for instance, going to parties. That would explain her weird ideas about food.

fauxprof said...

This looks like a happy ending to me. Madi is reformed into a sweet, dog-cuddling, helpful child (albeit with a bad haircut). After the Sunday Summary, we may never see her again. Toby’s dessert crisis is resolved, and it will be well received after the last several years of Mary’s Muffins. Besides, I think Madi’s secret ingredient is CBD-infused rum, which should help.

Anyway, I’d say we’re done here, and it’s time for a new story. Please don’t let it involve Dawn, Wilbur, Estelle, or (shudder!) the Tweedlebeedies.

tkraft said...

Madi's secret ingredient: her cell phone. "Mmmm, banana bread, have a bite". OUCH! Rrrring! (That phone seemed to be grafted to Madi's hand and we haven't seen it for some time, amirite?)

Sandi Ego said...

I belonged to a book club that was mostly about dinner and drinks (I think they're all like that) and sharing recipes was part of it. One participant brought a delicious dessert and she absolutely refused to share the recipe. I found that quite rude. I don't even remember the dessert, only this woman's smug, selfish behavior.
I am also deeply suspicious of food prepared with an unnamed secret ingredient. I just can't condone this story line.

Carlye said...

Sandi, when that happens, it's usually because the person didn't make it themselves. Someone else made it, or they bought it.

Sandi Ego said...

Good point, Carlye! I should call her and demand the recipe to prove she made it ;)