Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Mary Worth 3644

The watermelon doesn't fall very far from the tree.


KitKat said...

“Yikes! She sounds like my type!”

I see that Mary has popped in her blue contact lenses to match her blue shirt. Hey, she’s not wearing purple!

MDMaryTed said...

So Ashlee sounds like Drew's type and Jeff has to explain Drew's type to Mary? How long have Jeff and Mary been dating? I would think it was since Drew was at least in high school. So shouldn't she at this point know Drew's type? And @KitKat, nope, Mary isn't wearing purple but her lips are! Got to get that purple in there somehow. Also, if Ashlee is Drew's type, what are the dating apps that Drew is on??? And, what is really on Drew's Instagram account?

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"My Washing Machine Part Is Still On Backorder".

Cursing, screaming
Making a scene.
Out of control!

Anonymous said...

What did she look like???!!!! That's his reaction? What did she look like?

Man, the behavior exhibited by the people in this strip continues to amaze and baffle me.

But to answer the question, "She looked like a hussy, Jeff. A brazen hussy!"

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

I think that Jeff, pretty much ignoring Mary’s description of Ashlee’s tantrum and instead, asking immediately what she looked like has the makings of a good fight! I can already see it in Mary’s face that she’s thinking, “What?! You’re telling me that any type of churlish behavior is acceptable as long as it’s coming from a hottie?!” I would love nothing more than to see Mary and Jeff get into a huge tussle about what’s important in a relationship. Especially on open water.


Anonymous said...

Since the noise level generated by this little excursion must make normal conversation impossible, we can assume that Jeff and Mary are both expert lip readers. Mary no doubt honed her skills during long-distance snooping.

-- S. McW.

Vince said...

Jeff may have once had a Pinocchio nose that was surgically removed, possibly by Dr. Drew himself, though I am not sure if Drew is a surgeon or even someone who could be trusted with a scalpel.

MDMaryTed, I do wonder about Drew's Instagram account. I tried to take a look but found out that it has been temporarily suspended.

Sue said...

Nance, I LOVE today's haiku

LouiseF said...

Echoing Sue's comment about Nance's haiku today.. I love how Nance pulls the BF away from the strip and imbues it with her separate interpretation, and today is a masterful example of that. Back to Jeff and Mary, I can hardly wait to hear Jeff dish on his dishy son's lack of judgment in the women department. No wonder Jeff is unmarried, or maybe he is divorced several times, which could explain still residing with son pere...

LouiseF said...

By the way, looking down on the boat from above, it appears that it MAY be a Chris~Craft, but apparently not a Triple Cockpit.

Anonymous said...

i have a question has there been a storyline where drew was dating ?

meg said...

Anonymous: Drew was very unenthusiastically dating an overly eager woman named Liza about 10 years ago, usually preferring to stay home, happily thumbing through Men’s Health Magazine. And he had the honor of being slapped by perpetual teenager Dawn at one time. But, like his father, his only real long-term relationship has been with...Mary Worth.

Nance said...

@Sue; @LouiseF--Thank you. I am channelling my own angst in the BFH. It's hard to get too involved in Trashlee and Drew's world when mine is so pressing. ;)

Chester the Dog said...

Why didn't WE get to meet Shauna?

Carlye said...

Here we have endured endless tedium about Wilbur's sandwiches and the glory of dogs, when we could have witnessed the wild antics of Shauna? I feel cheated.

KitKat said...

My thoughts exactly, Chester the Dog and Carlye. We suffered through a seemingly endless loop of Saul, Eve, and their ostensibly wondrous dogs instead of having front-row seats for The Many Inappropriate Loves of Doctor Drew Cory??!! A pox on the KM house!

It appears that Jeff has been holding out on Mary. That's a violation of their contract, wherein Mary allows Jeff to take her on sunset cruises and dinners at the Bum Boat in return for him blabbing to her about everything he and his offspring do so she can meddle. You're on shaky ground, Jeff.

KitKat said...

BTW, Nance, your travails are realistic, unlike the concocted Worthiverse ones (a poor comparison, I know), so feel free to continue to make the BFH your outlet.

Anonymous said...

The way that boat is blasting through the water, their sunset cruise looks more like a naval raid on an enemy shore installation. Certainly nothing enjoyable. If Jeff is flexing his macho for Mary, it isn't doing him any good.

And I join the chorus in demanding to see less mind-numbing pap and more crime and debauchery.

-- S. McW.

LouiseF said...

Dolphins? I suspect they are just as chagrinned as Mary to learn of Drew's behavior. Can't wait to see Mary's analysis of Drew.

Anonymous said...

Petty thievery?! At least it wasn’t grand thievery.

hmmm said...

Petty thievery? She kidnapped pets?

Sue said...

Nance, I feel your pain. Hope part comes soon....