Friday, December 3, 2021

Mary Worth 3781

She already gave Wilbur a second chance back before the pandemic that never happened in the Worthiverse so this will technically be his third chance, but who's counting? Just keep it coming, Moy, we can take it.


Bill the Butcher said...

Deep under the surface of the Charterstone Sea, the water was inky black and the silence total.

She hovered, her senses probing the dark, knowing the moment would come.

She waited.

Distance had weakened the vibrations when they came down to her, but so acute were her senses – honed through almost a hundred years of meddling – that she would have detected them even from the other side of the planet. Far above, where the watery world met the sky, something was beating its wings, striving to break free.

Slowly and silently through the black water, she rose, homing on the splashing. Her maw, lined with needle teeth, gaped. The prey had almost got away twice before, rising into the freedom of the open sky, but she had grabbed it and pulled it under.

There would be no third time lucky. It would not escape again.

Bill the Butcher said...

Pierre can’t be all that protective of his new mother. He hasn’t mauled Mary out yet.

But you can see he’s thinking about it.

KitKat said...

Estelle’s lap is full of muffin crumbs.

That tank seems small for two fish that size. Poor fish - their life is as barren as Wilbur’s. What a household!

Tim said...

Isn't this his third chance?

Tim said...

Mary is the Moriarty of meddlers, a great spider seated at the centre of her web, with threads reaching out to every corner of Charterstone. All sorrow, all misery can be traced back to that spider in her web.

Thunderheels said...

Bill the Butcher and Tim- great metaphors. I should use these to teach my students. The only drawback is they would have to read Mary Worth and I would lose my job due to child abuse.

Jerry Smith said...

"Mary, Wilbur said I'd have to pay him $10,000 to get back together. He said it's state law, so I guess I have to do it."

Anonymous said...

I love that the animals are paying attention to Mary, and Estelle is happily communing with her muffin.


hmmm said...

I just had this really scary image of all of us sitting at home, years from now, commenting on whether or not we think Estelle should give Wilbur a twenty-seventh chance.
