Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Mary Worth 3854

One never knows whom one is going to meet when one sets out on a nature walk by one's self. But I'm guessing Toby will be eaten by a carnivorous stone.


Ian Cameron, PhD said...

This can't be good. Toby knows that sitting with her thoughts and an assortment of boxed wine is what usually helps her. After traipsing through the rolling grassland hills of Southern California is she going to come upon Cal bathing in a verdant lagoon like a bashful woodland nymph? I'm on the edge of my seat, and so is Helen.

Downpuppy said...

Isn't it nice that COMMUNITY colleges are surrounded by large, lush, meadows?
You've been busy, Wanders, but please don't forget to save Sunday's glorious floating ogre head.

LouiseF said...

Toby doesn't appear to be SITTING alone in nature. The angle of that hill should have her huffing and puffing shortly. It's a good thing she traded in her heels for hiking boots.

RogerBW said...

That's a jolly high cliff to have in a highly-trafficked area with no warning sign or handrail… no, no, after the Great Betrayal of Not Dead Wilbur, I won't get my hopes up.

Is that the rare plains land-clam waiting to catch a stray hand or foot?

MDMaryTed said...

You know she will run into Cal who is also taking a walk in nature with his thoughts. And they will be seen returning together by that nosey woman whose name I can't be bothered to remember.

KitKat said...

AIIEEEE! Santa Royale Community college is being attacked by giant clams!

It's possible, but not likely, that Toby might encounter Drew Cory photographing birds for his Insta.

Chester the Dog said...

Giant Clams!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The clams wait silently. They are patient. And they eat well.

-- Scottie McW.

hmmm said...

Wait a minute. I want to see the previous panel where Toby somehow managed to climb up what appears to be a vertical rock wall beneath this sloping green hill without breaking a sweat. I also want to know if she’s planning on showering before her afternoon classes.

ratswan said...

is this the secret shortcut to the frisbee field she is taking

LouiseF said...

Gheez, Cal! If you're going to stalk me, why don't you hide in my back seat or follow me somewhere nobody will see you like a REAL pervert?!

Tim said...
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MissScarlet said...

@MDMaryTed Congratulations! You called it. Now let's see if Helen does see them returning.

Also, will Cal admit to following her? Will Toby realize that he's not interested in his art? Will Toby and Helen become life-long friends?

Sorry, @Tim, I'm loving this.

hmmm said...

Well, I think we all saw this coming. The only winner here will be Dr Cameron, who predicted this encounter but with Cal having arisen from the verdant lagoon wearing only his Zits shirt and nothing else.