Monday, April 4, 2022

Mary Worth 3866

I know Toby has had trouble falling asleep, but her memory of Helen has really softened since yesterday's red-faced floating head from hell. I'm sure she'll be dreaming sweet dreams in no time.


KitKat said...

Helen may not be the fire-breathing red of yesterday, but Toby has turned blue. If Ian’s snoring away next to her, what color is he? Green like his AstroTurf sport coat, or a melange of colors from the Cameron tartan?

I just hope we’ll get to see Helen accusing Toby before school management. One, we need to see who comprises school management, and two, we want to hear Helen describe the “special treatment.” Va va voom!

Anonymous said...

"Cal, I'm getting into trouble because Helen Moss thinks there's something going on between us."

"She's right! I love you!"

"Oh &%#@!"

-- Scottie McW.

mr_darcy said...

In this panel Helen Moss looks like Toby with a bob and 30 years of wrinkles. Is accusatory Helen a schizophrenic hallucination of Toby's guilty feelings? Is that why Toby and Helen both say management instead of administration?

Nah, that would be interesting. Never mind.

Thunderheels said...

I fear we will have another "lost" story much like Wilbur's adventure on the tropical island. Suddenly all will be well, Toby will be relieved, Ian clueless, Helen docile, and Cal never having the fulfillment of Toby's reciprocation.
Scottie McW- That would be precious.

LouiseF said...

The Worthiverse sure seems to be filled with neurotic, easily frightened individuals (with the possible exception of Wilbur who is just dense as a brick). Enter Mary, who will find Toby sobbing at the Charterstone mail boxes and in a panic because her tears have obscured the total on her phone bill.

Jerry Smith said...

Why is Toby having such a breakdown? These are very low stakes problems. What this story needs is for Wilbur to burst into their bedroom, dripping wet and covered in seaweed, and shout, "I'm alive!"

Unknown said...

I think they've turned Toby into a vampire. That way they can cash in on some of that new Twilight movie.....oh, wait...that was fourteen years ago.

Anonymous said...

Panel 3: Toby rolls over and rests her head on Cal's shoulder.

"Oh Cal. What are we going to do? Ian will be back from Scotland tomorrow and I just know Helen Moss is going to tell him about us!"

P.S. Don't worry, folks. Nothing family unfriendly is going on here. Cal's wearing his checked pajamas.
