Monday, September 12, 2022

Mary Worth 4025

I can certainly see why Dawn enjoys hanging out with Mary so much. She can put you to sleep better than benzodiazepines. Of course, you're going to need some opioids for the pain. Tommy Beedie has got you covered.


KitKat said...

Is Mary washing dishes for other residents? These are not the tiny dishes she served the quiche on last week. I doubt she ever gave this homily to Dawn’s father, either. She seems to accept narcissistic, thoughtless Wilbur and his “endearing quirks” as is. Wilbur never changes.

Getting back to Dawn’s remark about “years ago” yesterday, her perpetual student hood has disturbed her concept of time. It’s well into September, but she hasn’t returned to the university. What about that summer job in the campus computer lab, too?

Anonymous said...

Daffodils in September?

Anonymous said...

Dawn has as much chance of understanding what Mary just spouted as the dog in The Far Side cartoons.

All she heard was: "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... Dawn. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah, blah.


meg said...

Somewhere, Charlie Brown is missing a tee shirt…

MissScarlet said...
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MissScarlet said...

Remember when Mary told (some little kid whose name I can't recall) to listen to her 'tummy brain'. I guess she could have told Dawn the same thing, although maybe she should have mentioned it before the quiche. Well, Ripley's Believe It Or Not says that that's a real thing. Really!