Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Mary Worth 4090

"In the thrill of the moment, I abandoned my convictions and agreed to marry Zak, but now that I've had a good night's sleep..."


KitKat said...

“Congratulations, Iris! That’s great news! I can’t wait to tell Wilbur!”

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

I don't understand. One would think Estelle should've been so shaken by what happened on the cruise ship that she rethought her stance on not wanting to marry Wilbur.

I guess sometimes life just isn't fair.

LouiseF said...

Finally Mary has some truly big news to spread all over Charterstone! I foresee a kaffeeklatsch with Toby where they snark about who Iris and Zak aren't inviting to their wedding. Make that a decaffeeklatsch...

Anonymous said...

Good Heavens, Mary. Aren't you forgetting proper etiquette? One never congratulates the bride-to-be. Instead, you congratulate the groom and offer the bride your best wishes. To congratulate the bride would be to suggest that she'd won a prize... Oh, right, never mind.


Chester the Dog said...


meg said...

I’d be very happy if I could see when Iris talked to Mary about this before, as Mary seems to be indicating. Does this mean (gasp) that Mary has past interactions to which we are not privy?