Thursday, December 15, 2022

Mary Worth 4119

Zak, are you implying that you could marry them both? Or they should marry each other? I'm really, really confused right now.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we get it, Karen. Can we please move this along, because right now it's BOOORRRRRING.

-- Scottie McW.

fauxprof said...

This is getting tedious, even for KM. While Iris focuses on looks, the real point is that Zak is a hopelessly immature child-man.

KitKat said...

Maybe Iris and Zak will play a game of tic-tac-toe on the curtains to resolve their disagreement. That would be par for the course for KM and her preposterous Doublemint plot angle. By “love is love,” is Zak equating his purported love for his future spouse with his love for his former baby sitter? KM, you got some splainin’ to do, big time.

Anonymous said...

Zak: Alright, Iris. You win. Plus, after that scary face you made, I'm not so sure I want to get married after all. But would you mind doing it again? I've run out of ideas for the look of the space aliens I've put in my new game, but that face you made would be perfect.


MDMaryTed said...

Love is love? Give Zak a plate of platitude muffins to serve and save Iris the trip to Charterstone to hear those words of wisdom from Mary.