Gosh, the plot has turned in a completely new direction: Alzheimer's. This is going to be really powerful. Or we stay with the stolen credit card story and wait until her next bill arrives three years from now. By that time, this criminal mastermind will have run up charges on Toby's credit card at dollar stores all over Florida's greater Suncoast region. It's frustrating for the merchants, too, because each of those $1.00 purchases costs them more than $1.00 in fees.
Today's Full Strip
wanders could it perhaps be the Charterstone Residents periodical Be Nice?
Another plot twist? Why, I'm so confused that I feel as if I have Alzheimer's...
AVARICE! It's definitely AVARICE. And now we just wait for the unknown genius behind Enormoushop.com to create the web presence for Avarice Magazine.
That is totally what people do when they steal your credit card number: they go out and spend $1 at your expense. (At "Pretty Purposes," which sounds like a lingerie boutique but must in reality be a penny-candy store.) You dismiss it, but next month it's *two* dollars... Then, before you know it, they're getting away with $5, even $6 purchases, and you're paying the bills and taking Aricept!
Pretty Purposes? "Hi honey, I just bought a decorative wreath. Yes, I used the stolen credit card number. Wanna go hang this thing on the front door?"
Mary Worth even makes identity theft seem boring. Truly an accomplishment.
Perhaps Mary Worth herself is the credit card thief, and she's just teaching Toby a lesson but not really wanting to harm her in any way.
I think everybody has missed the obvious, since we're all waiting for the big, bad credit card bill and get only a "mysterious" $1.09 charge--that magazine is ADVICE.
Of all the ugly shirts ever drawn anywhere at all ...
The magazine is of course "About Ice" an exciting monthly that features riviting articles like "Watching Ice Melt", How Long Does It Take Ice to Form?" and the ever popular recurring commentary "Ice of the World, Describing Ice From Around the World".
I think it's NOVICE, The Monthly Magazine for Beginning Computer Users.
This month's featured article: Phishing Emails.
What's that thing behind her head? Looks like someone punched a hole in the wall ...
I hope Dudley Ford is the identity thief. We haven't seen him in a while. And as boring as it is, identity thieves often make a small purchase first that often goes unnoticed to make sure the card is good before using it for big-ticket items.
It's "BEARD LICE" magazine and it's for Ian, thank you very much.
anon: could it be that Toby is topless, revealing her secret background of being the result of a joyless one-nighter between her mother and some random reptile??
anonymous I find myself in complete agreement with you as to the magazine being Ian's. I was filled with delight and astonishment to see that somebody had already suggested "Beard Lice" when I logged on to do the same. Kudos to you, sir or madam.
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