Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mary Worth 654

I love how Kurt, over the last few weeks, has subtly revealed that he's a bit restless. Fortunately, restless people make excellent fishermen. What with all the bouncing around and loud noises they make.

Today's Full Strip


Imogene said...

Kurt's restless elbow seems to have knocked the post he was sitting next to into the water. The tackle box appears to be missing as well; possibly that's what Wilbur's line got caught on, but luckily it got loose before Wilbur had to actually reel something in, which might have meant missing a chance to hear more about Kurt's having-no-father-made-me-restless speech.

Ooh, there anything Wilbur can do for Kurt? This is where the REAL story starts!

"Well, Wilbur, Mom's restlessness led her to leave town every time I finally got to know one of my 'uncles' four little sisters could use braces and tuition."

katyb said...

I'm with you, Imogene. Where's the pier post? What happened to the tackle box? And, really, with this thin story line we are supposed to believe Wilbur is Kurt's daddy?

Too icky.

Imogene said...

katyb, the pier post is floating in the water to Kurt's left. And I don't for one minute believe Wilbur is Kurt's daddy. It will take Mary Worth, working with a suspicious Dawn Weston, to solve this once and for all!

djangosmom said...

I don't think Wilbur is Kurt's dad either but their conversations sound like Wilbur has accepted that fact!?

Anonymous said...

Good talk, Dad.

Otismaximus said...

Kurt: Actually I'm four parts restless, one part anxious, 2/3 part repetative, one whole part creepy.
Wilbur: Add one quart lonely and you'll be perfect. I'll go to the car to get the Jim Beam.

Vicki said...

Kurt, it's been real uh...NICE to meet you, but you're a restless, tiresome Loser, and your mom was a brazen hussy. Plus your fishing skills suck! There I said it.