"Just some planning I'm doing... and the fact that everyone at the pool party has been smelling my finger. I haven't bent my finger all day, and it smells great, and people are just so excited to smell it. Jenna smelled my finger, Wilbur smelled my finger, even little children want to know what my finger smells like."
Today's Full Strip
I often try to get similarly-minded people together to change their views about love, usually with disasterous results - which works out great for me becuase then I can meddle even further in their lives.
Oh Mary, you're always thinkin'
By the way, now that we know that ginger-haired Dr. Roberts is the target of Mary's scheming, who WAS that with the blue-black hair in her thought balloon last week???
I hope Jenna and Dr. Roberts meet, hate each other at first sight, and then yell at Mary for her meddling ways.
Of course, then Mary will use her superior skills to cajole them into a booze-filled sedan headed for a treacherous mountain pass.
I hope Dr. Roberts likes ponytail-wearing gals with giant heads!
And poor Bonnie? How utterly embarrassing for her to know she'll be the number one topic of conversation on their first date. Shame on Mary!
Wilbur is blabbering back there. "My son, no, not my son, hey, is that a sandwich?"
I just hope Dr. Roberts enjoys finger pointing and self face touching. There is less hand gestures and face touching from a third base coach with bases loaded, a full count and two outs at the final game of the world series! than these two ladies poolside!
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