While Mary is relieved that she didn't have to "physically tangle" with Wayne the Kidnapper, the rest of us, of course, are also very relieved. Although she appears more than capable in the panel above, watching Mary Worth duke it out with a hardened criminal would not have been interesting at all.
Today's Full Strip
She is some sort of pugilist! One thumb is hidden in her fist, the other on top. She must know something.
"Hey, Bree! See if you can guess in which hand I am holding your tip. Pick the correct one and you get it! Sorry, I'm back to being a cheap old broad, but you haven't told me about your dead mother's medical bills, so I am not being generous to you.
I'm thinking that Bree's face touch today is a shout-out to us MW&M readers. Looks like the special today at Diner is a heaping bowl of REHASH.
When my bleary eyes first looked at 5:45 a.m., I thought that Mary and Bree were exchanging a fist bump. I thought, "Goodness, how did Bree manage to twist her hand into that peculiar position?" Then I realized that Mary is either shadow boxing or fist-bumping herself. Her eye in the second panel looks strange - did her mascara run when tears came to her eye over her rescue of little Emily?
It's Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Mary and she just boxed Bree on the ear! Ouch!
I can't believe we have been deprived of a manhunt or any kind of action after sitting through the diner scene for so long. And what will we recap this Sunday?
Informal vote: Does the current rehash jump on Sunday to Dinner with Jeff and Family or to Coffee with Toby, in either case where they'll be doing a final rehash + talking about someone new with a malady that Mary needs to meddle in?
Tough call--I believe this started over coffee with Toby, but there was a dinner break with Jeff at Xmas. I just hope the next 'plot' doesn't start at the diner.
Mary seems to have lost her left eyebrow in all the excitement. Perhaps it's hidden in one of those clenched fists.
I suddenly feel sorry for Dr. Jeff - how may times has Mary "physically tangled" (ie beat/abused) with him when he didn't say/do what she wanted.
Just a guess but I don't think Mary is going to be making any more casseroles for her neighbors any time soon. Mary seems to be getting more unstable (angry/sad/agressive/etc.) lately.
I don't think there would have been any need for Mary to physically tackle him. All she would need to do is meddle with his life so much that he'd basically call 9-1-1 himself.
Any thoughts on what the next storyline will be?
It looks to me as if that fist belongs to someone who is about to punch Mary in the face, something I've wanted to do for years.
All that boxing has gotten Mary's adrenaline going and she's worked up a sweat. I'm sure she'll forget the sweater she came in for when this sequence of the story started weeks ago. What about Sweater? Sweater was hoping for its big chance, just like Chin Napkin, but Mary's extended self-congratulation is crowding in on Sweater's big moment.
Mary is so relieved that she didn't have "to physically tangle" with the intimidating suspect that she splits an infinitive.
Dave in Parma, I foresee Mary and Jeff dining at the Bum Boat while Mary relates her crime-busting adventure.
James in North Dakota, I won't even speculate on the next plot. Karen Moy devoted the last six months of 2011 to characters like Gina, Bobby, and Emily and totally ignored the (formerly) regular characters like the Westons, Dr. Adrian and Detective Scott, etc. Were they consigned to Worthiverse purgatory?
Things have been escalating - stalking to pickpocketing to ID theft to kidnapping. Will Mary need to become Jessica Fletcher (Murder, She Wrote) and start solving the murder mysteries of Santa Royale?
"The suspect?" Who the heck says that outside of an episode of CSI?
And now I notice that Mary has probably been shaking her hands in a menacing/triumphant manner for some time now. How long can she keep it going?
BTW... Bree: face touch!
Mary's left fist seems strangly familiar- could it belong to THIS GUY:
it looked to me like she was licking her own fist like a cat would do.
Why is Mary about to punch Bree? Or is she just going for the double-fisted face maul?
--Beagle Vet From Goleta
Mary is one bad-a$$, crime-fighting ROCK STAR now! She's got a new fist pumpin' 'tude. (And after seeing "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" at the Santa Royale Bijou last night, she decided she would shave off her eyebrows, too)
And you can tell Bree is super impressed; a real Mary Worth wannabe!! Word to punks everywhere...don't mess with Mary!!
Lucky is all they knew how to be.
Note that Bree has added the Mary Worth Finger Point to her repertoire of gestures. However, she and Mary are gazing at someplace other than the table where Emily and Policewoman are seated. Maybe Dreamy Dr. Drew is approaching!
Santa Royale justice is swift. Now that the perpetrator has been apprehended, let's dispense with a trial and go directly to incarceration, or even execution!
Gack! More CSI blather: perpetrator.
and what's with the double case of fish lips that broke out? Is Mary or Bree contagious?
When is Emily going to snap out of it and smile? She's been rescued! Maybe she has been seriously traumatized, what with being kidnapped and denied her rainbow swirl ice cream. Too much face touching for such a young child.
By the way, maybe DINER should invest in a new sign, since we now know it has a name.
(I'm really in Toledo, but I wanted it to rhyme with Goleta)
Time for a "Meanwhile,..." to launch the next story.
Crossing my fingers for the next story to have a whole lot of Wilbur!
Okay, have we had enough self-congratulatory blathering now?? Let's get back to business...Wilbur's sandwich addiction or Dawn's interwebs obsession, perhaps...
Aren't we going to find out who the guy was? Just a random criminal or a family member?
Geesh, after all of that, I'd like a few details, please!
Don't you think Wayne and Jill Black would make a lovely couple?
I work in law enforcement and I'm so glad that this story line was written. This makes my day!
[Sunday's strip, final two panels] Bree sprouts a Fu Manchu mustache, while Emily sits with a beverage in front of her, instead of a bowl of rainbow swirl ice cream (I really wanted to see how Giella did the coloring of the ice cream.) Oh well, tomorrow is another day -- and hopefully a new storyline.
How reassuring that the Santa Royale Police have the most up-to-date technology. Nice steno pad and pen, Policewoman!
AND, am I the only one who finds Policewoman unsettling? Check out her expression, and her hands. The right one looks furry! Is Joe Giella trying to introduce a werewolf subtext?
Things that I'm relieved about:
1) Mary located her left eyebrow somewhere, and reattached it.
2) Mary still has her purse.
Things I'm still concerned about:
1) Will Mary leave Diner without her medium sweater?
2) What weapons does Bill the Manager have in the kitchen?
Also, there is a missing final panel to Sunday's strip. The existing last panel, instead of having commentary that says "So hopefully she'll be all right, should really have commentary that says "Gallant speaks politely and quietly to the lady policewoman." The missing last panel has commentary that says "Goofus tips his milkshake onto the policewoman's lap and sticks out his tongue."
Funny thing about the timing here: it seems that in the Greater Santa Royale Metropolitan Area (encompassing Goleta and other hamlets) a Missing Child poster can be printed, in color and poster-size, and plastered on the windows of businesses faster than a local police car can get to a local diner. How long did Wayne have that size-and-shape-shifting child, anyway?
Oh dear...my blood sugar must be very low or something; I'm expecting the timing in Maryworthiverse to make sense!
Today's panel is quite a change of scenery.
Mary and Dr. Jeff are sitting in a large boat (?) on a trailer, being towed down the road (visible blacktop to the left) near a view of the water and sunset.
Good Lord, the windshield on that boat is HUGE. Generally when the width of the boat becomes THAT large, it becomes a cabin cruiser, not just a runabout with a windshield.
I did like the helpful hint from Mr. Giella of the top mounted wipers to ensure that we all knew that it was indeed, a boat that that our "hero" (!) was riding in.
PS - Dr. Jeff look like he has had a few... (sorry - just sayin' )
Argh, notice Dr. Jeff's large, piercing green eyes. He's about to unleash his "death stare"! I'm hoping the target is the insufferable Mary.
And staying topical, just like they always are in Santa Royale, maybe Mary and Dr. Jeff will get down to a little bidness, run aground and tip that vessel on its side. Now that's entertainment!
Wow--off the board on the rehash transition scene--didn't see a boat coming, with the wind ripping through Mary's hair.
And Mary--"I SAW something, and I DID something?" Yes, it is quite a rush when you don't stall and you move things along. Now let's get on to the next plot; this rehash is slow, even by MW standards.
Another quick costume change for Mary between panels: from her black sweater, pearls, and magenta jacket, to something with a turtleneck.
WV: "chlowbac" - what's happening to Mary's hair today...
My 10 yr old son looked at today's strip & I remarked that Mary & Jeff are on a boat. My smart fella says, "That is not a boat." Yeah, sweetie, it's a boat, see, sunset cruise. "No, that is not a boat. That's not how boats look." Oh,but, yes, in the Worthiverse that could definitely be a boat. Or even a section of Diner.
Why does Mary obsess over Emily Smith from Goleta, but once she's found, the poor child is only referred to as "the girl"? I guess that's how heroes roll.
You know Sandi Ego, maybe jeff has absconded with the Bum Boat Restauarant.
Remember, Mary stuffs her very long hair up inside a wig, so I'm hoping, hoping, hoping it blows off in the wind and lands in the drink! That would be hysterical.
@KitKat -- I agree, that cop is pretty creepy! Emily may not exactly want another stranger (the cop) being all touchy-feely with her like that. And has anyone called Emily's parents yet????
Aw, heydave, you beat me to the tasteless-yet-amusing Costa Concordia reference!
--Beagle Vet
Best line of the day, courtesy of Sandi Ego's son:
"That's not how boats look."
The 'boat' also bears a striking resemblance to the spaceship from Lost in Space.
Oh the Humanity, Will Robinson!
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