Suddenly, the slowest panhandler in the world comes to life! "No!" says the wise old sagey smelling coot. "I don't want your change. I simply want to use 'change' as a metaphor for transforming your life from one of selfish accumulation, to one of generosity. Follow my ways, and one day you'll be just like me."
Today's Full Strip
You got it Wanders: the poor fool pushing empty cans along is really a magi.
Or maybe it's Mary in drag.
"Now that someone has called me out on my evilness, I am good! I plan on joining up with habitats for the homeless as soon as I get up from this bench."
Eh, Nola, you can't throw money at every problem. Otherwise, you should have thrown some at Smithers.
And how the heck did Hobo get behind Nola so quickly! Talk about watching your back.
Some CHANGE? Nola the V.P. of Sales, with those fabulous apartments, can't even spare some folding money?
Anyway, I think Wanders has nailed it. Homeless Guy is really the Sage of Santa Royale and will toss a platitude at Nola, who will reform. Let's just hope that Mary will be really ticked that Sage is poaching her meddle-ees.
Nola STARTS to look for change?
You don't START to look for change.
Either you are looking for change or you are not.
Oh geez, now we're going to have a ridiculously dragged-out "story" wherein Chinbeard Jr. will turn out to be some sort of guru, and the ending (sometime in 2013) will have Mary declaring that wealth is not measured in money or possessions, but rather, by what is in your heart.
--Beagle Vet
No! I don't want change, I want your purse.
No! I was wondering if you could clip my nose hair for me. It's difficult without a mirror.
No! I was hoping you would tell me if I have anything (other than a few years' worth of tartar) stuck between my teeth.
No! Can you tell me if these pants make my butt look big?
No! I would like for you to have lunch with me. I have an extra half-eaten sandwich today.
No! I'm trying to find my brother Ian Cameron. Do you happen to know him?
No! I just wanted to warn you that that bench has just been painted.
No! Can you give me a lift to my mom's house?
No! Can I borrow your comb for my beard?
No! Don't move! Just sit there and let me look at you, purty lady.
''Let me tell you a story, Lady. I used to work for UPS. This here's my old uniform. The girls in the offices used to call me ''Brownie'', they did! I'd be dropping off some packages, or maybe one of those fancy-schmancy contracts, and all the girls in the typing pool would say ''Howdy, Brownie, how's tricks?'' or ''Hey there Brownie, nice weather we're having, huh?''
''I had me a nice little apartment, with cracked walls and a cracked mirror to see myself in, I was doing alright. I was happy then, because I didn't know any other way to be.''
''Then one day, I went up to the 18th floor to deliver a package to Mr. Smithers' office. There was a bunch of fancy-schmancy office types hanging around, looking all grim. None of the usual; ''Hey Brownie, what's shakin'? '' I heard someone tell that Mr. Smithers had been fired for stealing, so he wouldn't be getting any more packages. Some hoity-toity secretary wrote ''Return to Sender'' on my slip, and I went back to the main office... where I found out, that because Mr. Smithers had been fired, there was one less delivery a day to be made, so I lost my job.''
''No one else will hire me, probably because I still wear this old UPS uniform, and push around this cart of bottles, and I guess some uppity people don't find that proper. So, now I live in the park, all because Mr. Smithers got canned... and speaking of canned, are you drinking that Colt45, or can I have it?''
I'm thinking that Hobo (like many things in the Worthiverse, extras or places are known by generic terms) will be Ian's long-lost twin. Mary and Toby will happen upon Nola chatting with her new friend, Toby will take a look at Hobo, and there will be face-touching, finger pointings and audible "Gasps" (in word bubbles, mind you) for a week in the Cameron house.
I'm just wondering why so many people here are making this poor guy out to be some relative of Ian's, just because he also has a beard...
Well stated Meg--multiple times.
Beagle Vet--I don't think that's Chinbeard Jr, but Prof Chinbeard himself, about to issue Nola a warning as to what happens when you don't listen to Mary and Toby. Apparently he's been locked out of the condo development for laughing at paintings of sad looking clowns, and now resorts to looking for scrap metal to feed himself and pay for his haircuts.
And what is with those beard curls?
I don't believe that I've ever encountered a cute lil' curling outward beard like that, ever.
Is that a universal sign (at least in Giella's mind) of raggedy? Of sage wisdom?
I know this is a family friendly place, but I am a three letter acronym away from my feelings!
The guy with the shopping cart full of curiously blue and red glass (is he collecting antique bottles, maybe? They'd be worth a lot more than recycled cans would be.) looks a lot like Fidel Castro. . . Now that FC has retired, a nice career in the comics would be a fitting bookend to a career spent in a place with a Spanish-sounding name, where every day is sunny, life is predictable, and a benevolent, wisdom-spouting figure (Mary Worth) guides the lives of all. .
Thropnotized is right. We, of all people, should know that people in the Worthiverse carry pretty much the same characteristics. There's The Beard, The Blue Haired Man, The Purple Woman Who Fell In The Jam, and the Chin Napkin.
"no change, please, lady. I only collect colorful bottles. You got any colorful bottles?
@Maude - Good one! I had been wondering about that brown jacket and matching hat.
By "change" Nola must mean her outfit. Striped blouse, plain blouse, striped blouse, scarf, no scarf... it's hard to keep pace. I think Hobo looks like a Terrier/Human cross.
There are two huge clues here. As heydave said, a cute little outward curling beard. And as the selfsame heydave pointed out yesterday- he's very short, can hardly reach the handle of the shopping cart.
He's a leprechaun!
Or perhaps a Brownie, as Maude has already told us.
Moy and Giella go fey.
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