I am so happy that Wilbur was able to find airfare for less than $2,000 a person. It's left so much extra cash for hotel rooms in Rome, Florence and Amalfi. Which is only 1,100 km's in the rental car they'll have for two months.
I wouldn't mind filling in for "Ask Wendy" if it pays this well.
Dawn: "Two months in Italy sounds great. (Almost as great as this article in "Person" magazine.)"
That's an ambitious program, considering that Dawn hasn't been seen on her own two feet since she flung the groceries at Wilbur several weeks ago.
Really, Wilbur? The only thing you can think of in Rome is the Coliseum? Of course, dear Dawn will be just as bored by the Sistine Chapel.
"Dear Ask Wendy: I have a big problem with my daughter. She is a college student, but she never goes to class or does any course work. She has no friends, and she spends all her time lounging on her bed and reading vacuous magazines. To help her, I'm taking her to Italy for the summer. We will hit all the tourist hotspots, of course! Despite this exciting plan, she remains unmotivated - I can't even get her to pack. What can I do to get her moving? [signed] Hamburglar."
"Dear Hamburglar: Wake up and smell the coffee! Your daughter sounds like a spoiled brat who has you wrapped around her little finger. It's time for some tough love. Tell your daughter to get off her keister and act like an adult - get a job and pay your own tuition, sweetie! And no travel until you grow up, Toots! You can't be Daddy's Girl forever, you know. [signed] Wendy (who is channeling the spirit of Ann Landers)"
Apologies for a spelling error in my previous post, a fauxprof faux pas. Since I'm from NE Ohio, I was thinking Richfield instead of Rome, and typed "coliseum" instead of the correct spelling. Our Coliseum wasn't very grand, and isn't even a ruin anymore.
KitKat, the late, great, Ann Landers' pithy common sense wouldn't have made a dent in the Worthiverse, although I agree 100% with the sage advice she would have given.
@fauxprof at 9:45 AM, I hear that the site of the former Richfield Coliseum is now a wonderful birding area. A much better use, in my book (as long as we don't have Wilbur Weston frolicking there).
Oh, how I loved reading Ann Landers every day! Thanks, KitKat.
My favorite Ann Landers word: kwitcherbeefin.
For reals? (as the kids say)
Disappear for a couple MORE days and when I come back, Dawn is still on the bed, spouting the most lame inanities? Life IS brutal.
Wanders - I believe this is what Wilbur will rent in Italy:
Let's see - going through airport security will be brutal, waiting at the airport will be brutal, the many-hour flight to Italy will be brutal, touring Italy will be brutal, etc., etc.
Should be a fun summer.
There's a time warp as Dawn lands in Rome and finds herself standing next to Rudolfo Tonetti as he sings The Continental as Fred and Ginger dance.
Aside he whispers to Wilbur, "Ha, I am ready for action, and I will do a first-class job."
Wilbur is obviously a Rock Star to be making that much money as "Wendy" in Santa Royale!! Who knew!? And yet he is so humble as to live at the Charterstone Apts., (where all tenants must abide by the pink curtains rule). The only reason he isn't bothered by "paparazzi" (<----an ITALIAN word, btw!) is that everyone thinks he's a female! Pretty clever; what a guy!!
I just can't think of a more fun way to blow a summer and all my retirement funds than to drag a mopey teen around Italy. Does Moy even think this makes sense?
Snap out of it, Dawn!! Oh, that doesn't work? This girl needs therapy.
Ann Landers would say, that will be 40 lashes with a wet noodle and quitcherbellyachin'.
Shouldn't Dawn have bedsores by now? How many days has she been in bed? Person magazine must be a double issue this week..
Maybe Dawn is reading Person Magazine because she's hoping it will help her become one, maybe even develop a real personality.
Miss Dawn needs a trip on the Costa Concordia, methinks.
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