Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mary Worth 2065

C'mon, Adam! Terry's making a very worthy attempt to sound like an actual human being. At least meet her halfway!

Today's strip


KitKat said...

Earth to Adam Miller: When a woman tells you that she loves that the two of you are "spending time together as friends," the Good Ship Romance has sailed, sailed, SAILED. Get some counseling in the hope that you can change your pathetic, controlling ways, buddy.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, this is actually the most realistic portrayal I've seen of every relationship I've ever been in. I can't wait to see the part where Terry awkwardly avoids Adam's every third call and sixth text, sees him out of pity and obligation once every two weeks, and eventually breaks her phone on purpose to have an excuse to stop talking to him for a month.

Chin Napkin Groupie said...

In the real world, this is just about where we would find Terry applying for a restraining order.

LouiseF said...

Never thought I would say this, but K. Moy appears to have a better grip on the nuance of illustrating someone as tone-deaf and single-minded as Adam. She's come a way from the time of Aldo Kelrast. . .

fauxprof said...

It's not nuance, I fear. Moy is genuinely tone deaf, and sees Adam as the sympathetic character. Nope, it's Terry she sees as in the wrong, and the trajectory will be Meddlin' Mary showing Terry the error of her ways. Happily ever after in the Worthiverse.

Tim said...

As an evil villain, Adam has terrible mind control powers.

Nance said...

fauxprof is right. Pretty soon, there will be coffee and apple cinnamon muffins at Mary's, where Mary will tell Terry that she is being too hard on Adam. Terry will see The Light, agree that Adam is simply divine, and the wedding bells will ring.

As soon as The Pointing happens, Mary will do some Face Touching Meddling, and it's all over.

Delilah said...

Oooh! "Face Touching Meddling" ! Excellent. AND "The Pointing" ! A Daily Double. Thanks, Nance! You've made my day.