Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Mary Worth 2204

Of course. 


Muscato said...

Mary's speech bubble says they're going to enjoy the theatrical experience, but her downcast expression indicates that maybe she'd rather be back at some wholesome Santa Royale entertainment - a cake contest, perhaps...

fauxprof said...

OK, I only checked one website, but the average price for a ticket to "Matilda" is $88.00, probably more if you buy at the last minute. So, it's a really generous gift, Olive will enjoy herself, and Mary sure as heck isn't on a senior citizen's budget. At least she's not paying for a good hotel.

KitKat said...

It's probably too much to hope for that Ken Kensington is playing Miss Truchbull.

At least Olive has changed her shirt. Mary's wearing the same duds - maybe she tapped into her clothing allowance to pay for the theater tickets.

Chester the Dog said...

Mary Worth's Matilda looks like a typist from 1962. Here is the real Matilda.


carlnepa said...

I see everyone is wondering the same thing that occurred to me, just where is Mary getting all the dough to pay for this visit? Do I remember correctly that she was a teacher? Granted, Mary's not paying a couple hundred/night for a hotel room in NYC, but it's still a lot of money to pay for museums, Broadway shows, meals, taxis, subway passes, mementos etc. The cheapest I can get into the city is parking at Port Imperial in Weehawken, taking the ferry to Manhattan and hopping the free Port Authority bus whenever I can. Oh, and a whole lot of walking, yes, indeed.