Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Mary Worth 2508

"Dear confused, remind me again why two employers are interested in hiring you? Is it because of your analytical skills? Your decisiveness? Or is it because you expect 'Ask Wendy' to solve your problems for you?"


KitKat said...

Tomorrow Mary's eyes will glaze over completely and she'll fall face first onto her laptop. Won't that be exciting? No, it won't. This makes me long for the cake-decorating days with John Dill...

Since things are going at a glacial pace, why doesn't Mary join Wilbur in Antarctica?

Nance said...

@KitKat--I loved the John Dill storyline. It was hilarious, and it made me renew my appreciation of both Cake and Pink.

This "plot" of Zak and Iris, marginally intertwined with Mary and Laptop, is ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

fauxprof said...

Dear Confused,

I don't think either job is a good match for you. You need a complete change of pace that will allow you time for conremplation and reassessment. There's an opening at Jerry's Sandwich Shop in Santa Royale. You can start with that mess in the restroom.

Best of luck, and don't write again,


Chester the Dog said...

Does ASK WENDY have just ONE reader? Does Mary email her responses to this one reader?

TimP said...

I like the penetrating insight offered in panel two. Yes, present decisions often have big impacts on the future (and possibly even on how we remember the past). Go grab another fortune cookie and maybe you'll get even more sage advice.

LouiseF said...

I can see this reader's demands for advice have aged Mary.. Her chin appears to sag a bit in panel 1.

Sandi Ego said...

Dear Wendy, I have cancer and one doctor wants to do chemo and another says to try experimental drug. Which should I do?
Dear Wendy, We can't decide on a name for our baby. Veronica or Lindsey - the list of pros and cons hasn't helped. Which one should it be?

Anonymous said...

Wendy/Mary - Dear confused, Gosh that's a tough one. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!

Yahoonski said...

You think Mary just pulls this advice from her posterior? No sir. She consults the guidebook lying on the end table. This time she'll have to look at Appendix D: "What To Do When the List of Pros & Cons Doesn't Work."

Shmoopie said...

Dear Wendy,
I am so fortunate to work freelance from home. I get up whenever I wake up, pull on my robe and fuzzy slippers, brush my hair and even my teeth if my breath is especially bad and head for the kitchen. I make a big pot of coffee, grab a slice of leftovers pizza and proceed to my "workstation." It's totally cool to hang out on the couch all day and work on my various projects. I feel like a real professional! However, lately I've been having problems with my neck and shoulders, and my lower back is starting to bother me as well. What do you think could possibly be the cause of my aches and pains? Or the shooting, stabbing pain in my coccyx whenever I peel myself off the couch? Would sleeping till noon be beneficial in my situation?

birdie said...

Dear Confused:

Do not make any decisions now. Anything you decide might be the wrong decision and ruin your life forever.

I recommend that you wait and see which offer is rescinded first, then go ahead and take the other one. You'll want an employer that appreciates dithering.

Dawn Weston's Evil Twin said...

Ack! Iris and Zak on the bench--for Zak, Iris is Ms. Right, but for Iris, Zak is Mr. Right Now! And wha...?????? Mary WORTH gives advice that doesn't work??!?!?! And she finds out about it???? How will we ever get to see the typical Mary Worth smug-a-thon that makes this strip "worth" ;-) reading? Argh!!! @#$%!