Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Mary Worth 3280

And thus it begins. Hugo insists on speaking French and Wilbur counters with an English greeting. This may escalate quickly.


LouiseF said...

Hmm... I suspect Hugo's "job" is on a street corner in Paris, selling "Le Canard Enchaine".

Anonymous said...

I hope Hugo will resume speaking lots of French and then translating it for them.

No way His Hugeness is not seeing at least one other mademoiselle. Dawn may be doing long-distance, but Hugo surely is not.

"Monsieur Weston, eet eez for-choo-not that you are here. I have zee wonderful bee-zee-ness opportunity for you."

-- Scottie McW.

Yahoonski said...

Are there a few additional strands in that comb-over? Does Wilbur's face look a little less blubbery? Maybe he's taken up the miraculous gluten-free diet. His drab olive and red wine color scheme isn't doing him any favors, though. And there's Dawn in the traditional shade of mauve. Day after day in the Worthiverse we get washed out purples, pinks, grays and browns. No wonder everybody's so miserable. What this strip needs (besides somebody telling Mary to mind her own damned business) is a few days of nothing but primary colors.

TimP said...

Agreed, that zero bezel display screen is sweet.

I am looking forward to them talking at length about Dawn as though she's not standing right there.

KitKat said...

And I figured that Hugo would open a house-painting salon. Go figure.

@Yahoonski, you’re on to something regarding the sickening colors. They’re enough to nauseate any normal person, and this cast of dolts is far from normal. I wonder if KM selects the palette for JB, or if this is JB’s way of commenting on the washed-out plots.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Watch Wilbur ask if Hugo can get his "survivor stories" and "Dear Wendy" in Paris Match. Wait until he finds out the sales he does is for Le Paris Pennysaver.

Even better, pompous Wilbur asks if perhaps he can get him a book deal for his 'survivor stories" at his great publishing firm. Then he finds out it's one of those self publishing scam firms.

ratswan said...

hugo just call dawn queenie and she will send you her life savings