Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Mary Worth 3475

"No, it's because you didn't say the magic word. Here's a clue. It isn't 'babe.'"


Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Perhaps Dawn Could Lend Some Insight Here".

Childhood, father...
Scared, don't be!

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes, Tommy, Love isn't enough."
"Love means never having to say you're sorry, Brandy. You won't be sorry."

Um, I've been married 22 years and am in love. Take it from me, you say you're a sorry all time.

hia5 said...

2 questions: (1.) How did Tommy and Brandy switch seats almost instantaneously? (2.) Where did that big white streak suddenly come from? Inquiring minds want to know.

KitKat said...

Nothing worsens a situation like mansplaining, and by Tommy Beedie no less. Brandy should fan that spark of good sense into a fire. She has said that Tommy’s perfect, so that tempers things a lot. Also, rational women are few and far between in the Worthiverse.

LouiseF said...

Possible thoughts that have run through Brandy's mind during this conversation: 1. "This guy still lives with his mom, doesn't pay rent. Is he looking to move in and freeload on ME?"
2. "Tommy works the same place I do. Neither of us has had a raise in over a year. What made him decide to ask me to marry him NOW? It's not like he has some new, fabulous prospect or promotion." 3. "Relationships are tough. There's a good chance the stress of getting married may send Tommy back to using drugs, especially if he's been talking to Wilbur and thinks he has to buy me a big, fancy diamond engagement ring. No thanks!"

Anonymous said...

Tommy: You're just scared, babe. CALM DOWN!

And with that, he gives Brandy a good ole Cherie / Shelly wallop across the face.


Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Brandy: "And stop calling me babe!"