Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Mary Worth 3478

"Babe, I stopped having second thoughts ages ago. I'm now on eighth or twelfth thoughts... I lose track."


Anonymous said...

Tommy, why don't you run around to Babe's side of the car and twist her arm up behind her back until she screams? I think that might convince her to marry you.


tkraft said...

Tommy, how about some cheese with that whine?

fauxprof said...

These two need to come up with another endearment besides “Babe”. It tends to implant an uncomfortable Sonny and Cher earworm.

KitKat said...

Every place Tommy and Brandy are seems to be deserted. The only other person at the New Place on Oak Street was the hefty waitress. No one else was at Freda’s when they hung up their aprons. Now they’re on an empty street. They’re proficient at driving people away. I know I wouldn’t spend any time with them (and no second thoughts needed).

Anonymous said...

Wow, Tommie, your self esteem is fragile. You remind me of George Nelson in "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" Yesterday you were in love and shooting cows. Today you're in the dumps and don't even care about your folding money.

Downpuppy said...

So, when does Mother Mary come to Beedie, speaking words of wisdom "Leave it be"?

Yahoonski said...

Why am I unhappy with you? Because you're too needy. OMG, that's perfect. From now on, you're "Needy Beedie."

LouiseF said...

Great comments, everyone! For some reason, the background looks like the skyline of Manhattan or at least a much larger and more urban environment than I imagine Santa Royale to be. But that's how things happen in the Worthy Zone....

Anonymous said...

"Are you having second thoughts? Because if you are, please tell me how you do that. I have enough trouble just coming up with first thoughts."

-- Scottie McW.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

I wish these two nitwits would stop with the "babe thing". The sixties have been over for the last 50 years. No one I know calls their significant other "babe". But then, this is no worse when Tommy was dating Tina and he kept calling her "Tina baby."

If I was Brandy, if Freda's has another store in town, I would get a transfer STAT. Tommie is a clingy loser who when he doesn't get his way, he gets all mopey and wants to know why "chicks" won't marry him. Is there anyone in this strip that isn't obnoxious?

@kitkat, with the absence of people: I think everyone following isolation with the exception of Babe, Tommy and the Breakfast in America waitress.

Anonymous said...

Great comments, as usual, everybody! I have been lurking in this gang of cool kids for about a year now and wish you all well during these strange times. Canadian Thanksgiving (this past weekend) gave rise to lots of reflections about what I am grateful for. Good snark is definitely on the list ;) Thank you, Wanders, for creating this little internet back alley, where we can indulge our truly weird fascination (in my case, lifelong) with Mary Worth. Your secret captions alone often make my day and Nance's and others' quick wits often make me snort my coffee, usually silently, but not always. Thank you all!

I remember way back in my early twenties, when I was not feeling too good about myself (but was working hard to change that), a guy who I had been dating for about 4 years (far far too long given how little fun we seemed to be having), casually said 'well, it wouldn't be a disaster if you got pregnant right now' and I responded internally as though I'd been struck by a lightning bolt.

I said nothing. Inside I was electrified by the realization that IT WOULD, IN FACT, BE A DISASTER. This resulted in an almost instant near-miraculous cure for my indecision and self-doubt. I broke up with him within a month and never forgot the lesson, that not deciding is a form of deciding and can have very unintended and unwanted consequences.

I was reminded of this long ago episode reading Mary Worth... how sometimes a single sentence can pierce through clouded thinking and change everything.

They're both dolts, but at least Brandy seems to have the sense that this guy dreams only very very small dreams and has an epic sulking problem, on top of his sketchy past. His 'recovery' hasn't dented his selfishness or stupidity. My recommendation to Brandy: move away, get another Mcjob while you go back to school, make the life you want in another comic strip.

Not at all Grumpy when I think about my Ole self might never have escaped, ended up with the right guy and even become a Doc. May have to change my moniker to Grateful O.D.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Wanders' snark tank, O.D. Anon. Don't be a stranger -- or at least not any stranger than the rest of us.

That's an interesting life story you shared.

-- S. McW.

Chester the Dog said...

It looks like they drive all the way to downtown LA for a bite to eat and a little whine. Tommy needs meds...stat!

katyb said...

KM has some painful views of man-woman relationships. Wilbur the stalker, Tommy the needy Beedie and let's not forget one-armed Jim. I'm sure there are others, but why are women always the objects? Estelle had a bit of agency, unfortunately, she was a moron when it came to Arthur/er and settled for the pudgy, bald mayonnaise man.
One-armed Jim

Wanders said...

Hey Grateful OD, I’m grateful to hear your experience and hope you continue to play along 😁

fauxprof said...

Welcome, Grateful OD! Jump right into the snark tank.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Welcome Grateful OD. Don't be a stranger!

Jerry Smith said...

Paging Grateful OD! Someone named Tommy on the phone for you, babe!

lmjb1964 said...

So many wonderful comments on this page! And thanks for sharing your story, Grateful O.D. Glad it all worked out, and your found your way here.

I agree that background looks more like LA than Santa Royale. How far do they have to commute for those jobs at Freda's?

My BF and I do, in fact, something call each other babe. But not in every single sentence. Sheesh!

I am not having second thoughts about Tommy. He was a whiny loser then, he's a whiny loser now. Brandy, you're a fine girl. You can do better.

meg said...

Helen Clark, you fabulous old gin-soaked hag! Best song parody ever! If you are a nice abstemious lady actually named Helen Clark, I withdraw the gin-soaked hag description.