Monday, June 5, 2023

Mary Worth 4234

"They call it a screwdriver."


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MissScarlet said...

Not Mary, of course. She never has to learn anything the hard way. She always knows the exact, proper and most expedient way to tell people what to do.

KitKat said...

The 3,000+ comment threshold has been crossed, Worthiverse friends.

So, based on Mary's font of wisdom, Dawn has had a series of unsuccessful romantic relationships because she chose to learn the hard way and likes challenges. Sure, Mary, that's Dawn all over. BTW, have you had a DEXA scan(s)? Your back is curving alarmingly - could be osteoporosis. And, for Pete's sake, ditch the coffee table and spring for a desk.

MissScarlet said...

I've been thinking the same thing KitKat. Perhaps Mary is about to learn that if you don't set up straight while you type you will get a stiff neck, a sore back, and some very, very bored readers.

MissScarlet said...

Meanwhile, the size of that type face on her computer screen suggests that she really should get her vision checked, asap.

Chester the Dog said...

I wonder if Ask Wendy readers really notice when Wilbur is on vacation and Mary replaces him. Wilbur seems to be too stupid to write the kind of replies that Mary does and I'm sure all of his replies revolve around ham sandwiches.

Anonymous said...

[GROAN!] No! No, not this! Anything but this! -- Scottie

KitKat said...

Oh for Pete's sake, a Weston BOGO. "It was fun and relaxing...hee hee!" I bet Dad and Dawnie are going to tell each other as little as possible about what they've been up to.

MissScarlet said...

"Dawnie" ! Yuck! I prefer Nerd girl. Oh, I bet Wilburp has lots to tell - wonder how much money he lost this time.

LouiseF said...

Wilbur saying "hee hee" cannot be good...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Dawn is telling the truth. She says she missed Wilbur, but she's pushing him away. Hmmm...maybe he has bad breath.

LouiseF said...

No doves outside Dawn and Wilbur's window... Only Mary gets the dove treatment by JB. Given the look on Wilbur's face, I'm thinking he has great stories to tell about his trip. Sure.

KitKat said...

It's well known that it's impossible to get an EGG SALAD SANDWICH in Cancun.

"Gee Dad, I met someone new too. He turned out to be a rageaholic who belittled me, called me dumb names, and made fun of my ideas (and my glasses), but he's gorgeous!"

Anonymous said...

"So Dad, this [air quotes] girlfriend of yours . . . what's her name?"

"Jane. Jane Doe. Why?" -- Scottie

LouiseF said...

Apparently the conversation inside the condo has to be about a romantic situation in order for doves to appear outside the window. Either that, or JB is using a recycled panel... I'm also thinking Wilbur got a big cash payout, maybe for the fabulous columns he did on his trip to Cancun. Not sure how else he could afford to have Dawn make him an egg salad sandwich...

MissScarlet said...

@LouiseF: Maybe Brigman saw your comment and decided to give you some doves.

What the heck is "That kind of romance" ? Short? Doomed? They live 3000 miles apart, so perhaps Belle figured what the heck, he'll never bother me again after I leave?

MissScarlet said...

Hoo boy! We are wide open here. If I was being snarky, I'd say she was a s*x worker. If I'm trying to think like Moy (!) I'd say she was a travel agent, nurse, teacher, CPA.... But I really think she's into drug trafficking. It would be great if Wilbur's luggage was full of drugs and Belle had to come and retrieve them --so that won't happen.

LouiseF said...

"Immersed in her work"?? She's a scuba diver, or maybe does quality control for a pudding company. I would hate to find out she's a stripper...As usual, KM knows how to gin up the suspense..

Anonymous said...

Oh, this makes a little sense. She's Belle from Beauty and the Beast. It's not much of a stretch to see Wilbur in the 'Beast' role. And Belle was always the smart, book worm type; so no surprise that she is now the Sales Director at Disney.

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