Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mary Worth 244

So after Mary Worth innocently suggests Ron and she go to the Bum Boat for dinner, Ron gags and tells her he doesn't like seafood? It's like a splash of cold water! Maybe she doesn't have as much in common with Ron Amalfi as she first thought when Ron beat up his brother in the hospital parking lot. The man who holds her heart must sincerely appreciate a pan-seared tilapia served with a subtle mango sauce next to a nice rice pilaf and steamed baby carrots. Even if he is the Bum Boat Bum (thank you, Shandyowl! Brilliant!)

I think I've found another clue in my Mary Worth Conspiracy Theory. The Bum Boat seems to have tremendous power over its customers. Just like the island on "Lost." Even after they escape, it calls to them, driving them to make irrational decisions. Anything to protect it from outside influences that might cause it harm, or restrict its liquor license.


Anonymous said...

Wanders: you are too kind; you made me blush.

Yes it seems that trouble is brewing. Ron has failed to understand that in order to be Mary's paramour he must spinelessly acquiesce to all her demands. When you are with Mary you no longer have your own thoughts, tastes or opinions.

A guy like Ron who has the strength of will to brawl with his brother beside his mother's deathbed (knocking over her IV drip and life-support in the process) is not going to be told what sort of food he wants to eat. At least, not now his mother is dead.

Is there a further twist to come? Instead of dropping Ron and taking Jeff back will Mary instead try dating Richie Amalfi? It all seems so long ago now but was Richie even at the funeral?

Anonymous said...

I hope that this comic is a tongue-in-cheek tale of old biddy pettiness, and not that the writer is a horrible, horrible person who thinks that this is how real old women should act.

Toonhead said...

Eats Shoots and Leaves: Apparently, Karen Moy knows my mother-in-law.

Anonymous said...

...aaaand my sympathies.

Miss Emish said...

Now Ron, I don't CARE if you're deathly allergic to shellfish. Surely anaphylactic shock is worth a date with The Worth.

ethel mertz said...

Lemme get this straight: Mary is going to make her choice by putting her beaus through a rigorous filtering system
called "Mary's Favorite Foods." Wow. The guy can be a serial killer, rapist, pedophile, or all three, BUT if he has a fondness for fishsticks, well, he just shines in her eyes.

I am without speech.

Miss Emish said...

on the other hand, I can give a liiiiiitle twinge of understanding to the old bat. In that first blush, a lot can go off track. I myself have cast aside a suitor because I couldn't stand his socks/sandals combo. That and his sanctimonious self-righteous republicanism. You know, little things.

JLH said...

I'm with you, Miss E. I once visited a long time man friend (but one I hadn;t apent much real time with>) at his almost-finished house in a quaint Maine seaside town. We each had some fantasies and expectations of a possible future for us. What could be better, I thought -- a guy who loves Maine and boats and folk music and the quiet life and all that -- but what a shock! He hated seafood (and really anything other than meatloaf and mashed potatoes and gravy), didn't like to sit around over a meal in a relaxing scenic setting ("Eat up! Foods for finishing up!"), and he didn't like to go on boats unless HE could sail them. In short, he was an old grouch, one with good tastes in geography and houses and Jameson's whiskey but not a good date! So Mary should follow her heart - or her tastes....

Anonymous said...

If only Aldo had a taste for fried calimari things would have been different.

Anonymous said...

shandyowl: Rich was at the funeral. He also had the presence of mind to quickly step away from Mary after she offered him her sympathy.

toonhead: My sympahty as well.

ether mertz: The "Mary's Favorite Foods" scale will have to be the standard--were we to employ the "Mary's Favorite Book Cover Color" scale, she'd end up dating every guy who gave her a gray book.

anon: Zing!

So will Mary suddenly realize that Ron is not all that he appears to be, and will she run back to groveling, sniveling Jeff, the beloved Bum Boat Bum?