Most of us figured out what a heartless jerk Frank was when he cheerfully told Mary not to be sorry that his wife had died, but just in case anyone still questions Frank's malevolence, today's strip pretty much says it all. In the end, Lynn ends up skating with Elmo on Ice, drinking herself into a cold oblivion.
Today's Full Strip
I'll just bet Mary's really happy she made that phone call and visit to her "old friend," Frank Doodoohead.
Frank is as big a Jerk as Mary is a meddler. What is the attraction? It dosen't make any sense why.... Oh yeah this is Worth World where nothing is expected to make sense.
Every once in a while, I click on the "Today's Full Strip" feature and it takes me to a strip that has the same day's date, but does not have the panel in it that Wanders is highlighting. This just happened, and I viewed all of the recent Mary Worth strips and none of them have this panel in it. Does this happen for anyone else? There is a completely different strip listed for Jan. 2nd than Wanders wrote about. I am very confused.
What will Mary be summoning in the next week?
(a) The courage to meddle, for God and country and mercy's sake;
(b) Child Welfare Services;
(c) Her winged minions, from the Lesser Well of Lies, to eat Frank's liver while he is tied to a rock
I notice your post was on Jan 3rd and Wander's strip is from the 2nd.
I think maybe the link to today's strip really means today's strip, as in "the latest strip"? Like it's not hard-wired to the date of Wanders' blog or anything.
I just realized I'd be an awful instruction manual writer. That's off my Bucket List then. On to bullfighting!
Codeleeza Rice? Hillary Clinton? Rank amateurs! Appoint Mary Worth Secretary of State!
Frank can't pull back on his coaching. If he did he would risk being a highly touted coach in the skating game.
When I click on Today's Full Strip, today being Jan. 3, I get the Jan. 2 strip which is the subject of Wander's current post
And what's wrong with that?
Does Mary have Graves' Disease, or has she had some facework go awry? Or perhaps she is just a little bit crazy. . .
wheelhead: I'm sure the feeling's mutual, as far as Ol' frank is concerned!
The strip for January 3 features Mary barely holding back a fist. Frank is driving Mary to consider giving him a beatdown!
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